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Communication Committee

The Communication Committee (Committee) is established in the Bylaws as a standing committee of the Board of Trustees. The Committee is responsible for overseeing policies and issues related to the University's standing and relationships with its public audiences, including academia, community, and government.

Committee Members, 2023-2025

  • Margery Kraus, Chair
  • Michael W. Kempner, Vice Chair
  • Sally Amoruso
  • Wesley Bush
  • Charles H.. Lydecker
  • Jeffrey A. Sine
  • Angela Chen, Student Trustee

Resource Persons

Vice President of Communication
President's Chief of Staff
University Secretary or Assistant Secretary
General Manager, WAMU 88.5
Campus Representatives:
Alumni Association
Faculty Senate
Graduate Leadership Council
Staff Council
Student Bar Association
Student Government



The Communication Committee (Committee) is established in the Bylaws as a standing committee of the Board of Trustees. The Committee is responsible for overseeing policies and issues related to the University's standing and relationships with its public audiences, including academia, community, and government.


  1. Membership/Structure. Pursuant to the Bylaws (Article VII, Other Standing Committees) and the Board Policies (Article IX, Election of Committee Officers and Members), the Communication Committee shall consist of four or more trustees appointed by the Trusteeship Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. The Chair and Vice Chair(s) of the Committee shall be appointed by the Trusteeship Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees.
  2. Staff Designee. The Vice President and Chief Communications Officer and the Vice President of People and External Affairs shall be responsible for staffing the Committee.
  3. Meetings. Meetings shall be held in conjunction with regularly scheduled meetings of the Board, or as deemed advisable by the Chair of the Committee.
  4. Agenda, Minutes and Reports. The Chair of the Committee, in collaboration with the Staff Designee, shall be responsible for establishing the agendas for meetings of the Committee. An agenda, together with relevant materials, shall be sent to the Committee members in advance of each meeting. Minutes for all meetings shall be prepared in draft form by the Staff Designee and reviewed by the Chair and shall be approved by the Committee members at the following meeting. The general session minutes shall be available for review by any member of the Board of Trustees. The closed executive session minutes shall be available for review by any voting member of the Board of Trustees. The Committee shall make regular reports to the Board of Trustees.
  5. Review of Charter. The Committee shall conduct a self-assessment and review its charter on a periodic basis, or as required by Board policy.


Roles and Responsibilities


Guided by the University's mission and its strategic plan, the Communication Committee is charged with supporting and monitoring the University’s key strategic efforts related to (1) enhancing public awareness and understanding the University, (2) improving the University's reputation and its corresponding impact on mission, (3) communicating the University's perspective and position on issues concerning it and higher education, (4) enhancing public understanding and appreciation of WAMU and its associated content platforms, and (5) advocating for the University before governmental and other public bodies. The Committee leads the Board’s engagement on emerging issues, sets priorities, provides guidance, and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the University's standing and relationships with its public audiences, including academia, community, and government.

To fulfill its purpose, the Committee will:

  • Help to build positive relationships between the University and the media, public officials, and other leaders at the local, regional, federal, and international levels;
  • Serve as a sounding board to review and offer advice on University public relations and marketing activities and initiatives, including brand and reputation strategies, news and information dissemination, publications, and other external communications;
  • Review and offer advice on policies and programs pertaining to the relationship of the University with external groups and communities;
  • As the license holder and fiduciary for WAMU, provide oversight that the station is being operated by management in compliance with its broadcast license, fulfills that license's charge to operate "in the public interest, convenience, and necessity," is oriented toward serving its community, and accountable to the needs and interests of all citizens.
  • Provide oversight to confirm that WAMU is generating appropriate resources to support its mission critical objectives;
  • Provide advice and counsel to station leadership in the development of the station's plans, goals, and programs;
  • Work with the WAMU Board of Advisors (Advisory Board) to support their work as outlined in the Board of Trustees (Trustees) resolution approving the creation of the Advisory Board, and recommend members for service on the Advisory Board for the Trustees’ approval.
  • Ensure that there is a regular review the University’s goals relating to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion as they pertain to the areas for which the Committee has oversight responsibilities, the progress that the University is making in achieving those goals, and actions the Committee and Board of Trustees should consider taking to support the University’s efforts.

Updated May 2024