You are here: 麻豆原创 Kogod School of Business Research Labs FSIT Reserve Lab Space

Reserve a Space in the FSIT Lab

Faculty and students can reserve the lab during available hours throughout the semester.

Faculty and students are encouraged to maximize the effective use of the FSIT Lab.

The technology director will process all FSIT Lab reservation requests and schedule the use of the lab accordingly, provided there are no scheduling conflicts. The director will recommend alternatives as appropriate (i.e. if there is other space on campus that might address the need).

Lab Reservation Procedures

There are two types of lab scheduling requests:

These requests must be submitted by department chairs along with the initial class schedule submission for their departments. The lab reservation request is considered an integral part of the class scheduling process. Once the semester schedule is published online, all further requests will be treated as ad-hoc.

These requests can be submitted any time and, if available, the FSIT Lab will be scheduled as requested. Any reservation request not submitted as a semester scheduling request as described above will be treated as an ad-hoc request. Ad-hoc requesters should consult with the lab schedule to ensure there is not already something scheduled at the requested time.

In the case of scheduling conflicts that cannot be resolved among the technology director, the department chairs and the faculty, the Dean's Office will make a final decision using the following lab use priorities:

  1. Preference will be given to lab sessions that cannot be conducted in other campus labs, either because the lab session requires software that is only available in the FSIT Lab, or because the class is too large (e.g. 35 students or more) to fit in other campus labs. When scheduling conflicts cannot be resolved based on class size and software availability, the the departments involved will work together to resolve the conflict. Faculty is encouraged to be flexible so that all lab needs can be effectively accomodated.

  2. Semester schedule requests will take priority over ad-hoc schedule requests for classes, subject to the time constraints outlined above.

  3. Special event scheduling may take precedence over semester and other ad-hoc schedules if such events are of strategic importance as determined by the Dean's Office. The Dean's Office will make every effort not to displace an already scheduled class, especially when other suitable campus labs are not available to conduct the affected class sessions. The technology director will make an effort to locate and reserve such a suitable campus lab for the affected class.

  4. Department chairs, faculty and members of the Dean's Office are encouraged to work with each other to accommodate when scheduling conflicts occur to avoid escalating scheduling conflicts.

Submit a Request

Please fill out the form below using your 麻豆原创 email address and class code to reserve the FSIT Lab. Requests are received and processed by Adrian Mihailescu, director of technology at the Kogod School of Business.

Lab Schedule