You are here: 麻豆原创 Centers Latin American and Latino Studies COVID-19: Latin America & Latinos in the U.S.

Passengers on a bus wearing surgical masks

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents extraordinary challenges to states, economies, and societies around the world. In pursuit of our mission to enrich understanding of Latin America and Latino communities in the U.S. through cutting-edge research, the Center strives to disseminate high quality analysis on the pandemic's implications from faculty at 麻豆原创 and scholars at partner institutions elsewhere. During this critical moment, CLALS is convening consultations with scholars and practitioners across the Americas and beyond to examine the impacts of COVID-19 in the region.

Below is a collection of analyses, projects, and infographics created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by scholars at 麻豆原创 and other experts. This collection examines various dimensions of COVID-19鈥檚 impact and its medium- and long-term implications, both across Latin America and amongst Latino communities in the United States. The page will be updated regularly.


C贸mo lleg贸 Sudam茅rica a liderar la carrera mundial de vacunaci贸n
January 6, 2022; Naiara Galarraga Gort谩zar, et al.聽
Despite deep economic inequalities and a delayed vaccine rollout, South America is now the global leader in vaccines, driven by a strong vaccination infrastructure and the devastating impact of the pandemic in the region.

High infection, low vaccination鈥攃ould mandatory COVID-19 vaccines be the answer for Caribbean nations?
December 8, 2021; Janine Mendes-Franco
The threat of a new coronavirus variant and high vaccine hesitancy have created a dangerous, politically volatile situation throughout the Caribbean.

How COVID-19 is exacerbating inequality of opportunities in Latin America
November 23, 2021; Javier Romero Haaker and Gabriel Lara Ibarra
The pandemic worsened economic inequality in Latin America; impacts on food security and access to education are likely to persist long after the pandemic.

Resilient institutions for a transformative post-pandemic recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean: Inputs for discussion
October 2021; ECLAC
This report offers a roadmap for an inclusive post-pandemic recovery in Latin America, based on increasing the effectiveness and accountability of state institutions.

Covax, la historia de c贸mo fracas贸 la solidaridad en la entrega de vacunas
October 15, 2021; Schneyder Mendoza
COVAX, the global mechanism to distribute coronavirus vaccines to low-income countries, has delivered less than 25% of its 2 billion doses commitment in 2021 in a climate of global vaccine competition, leading to vaccine limitations among the poorest populations in Latin America.

Building an Inclusive Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean
Oct 14, 2021; Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, Otaviano Canuto, and Pepe Zhang
To address the dramatic increase in poverty and inequality in the region, the authors point to strengthening social safety nets and increased partnerships with the private sector.

South America Gets Covid Break From Vaccines After Deadly Wave
September 29, 2021; Daniel Cancel and Andrea Jaramillo
After a devastating mid-year COVID wave, natural immunity and rapidly increasing vaccination rates have precipitated a much-welcomed drop in COVID cases.

Latin America at Covid crisis point
September 22, 2021; Ruth Green
The region has suffered more than a million dead and an economic contraction of nearly 7%, creating wide-ranging, interlocking consequences, particularly for the most vulnerable people in the region.

September 5, 2021; Ernesto Londo帽o, Daniel Politi, and Fl谩via Milhorance
Fueled by rapidly expanding access to vaccinations, COVID cases drop across South America.

鈥楴ew wave of volatility鈥: Covid stirs up grievances in Latin America
August 6, 2021; Tom Phillips, Ed Augustin, and Dan Collyns
The destabilizing effects of the pandemic have spurred broad mobilizations against a range of political administrations across the region.

What鈥檚 Behind China鈥檚 Growing Push into Central America?
July 1, 2021; Luis Guillermo Sol铆s
This analysis from a former president of Costa Rica places China's current actions in Central America into a broader context.

Latin America鈥檚 silent tragedy of empty classrooms
June 19, 2021; The Economist
Schools across the region remain closed to in-person learning, further weakening educational attainment.

Vaccine Diplomacy Boosts China鈥檚 Standing in Latin America
June 11, 2021; Oliver Stuenkel
China's vaccine diplomacy is raising its reputation across the region while the U.S. does little to improve its image.

Global Recovery May Not Be Enough for Latin America
June 3, 2021; Otaviano Canuto and Pepe Zhang
Healthcare challenges, global political risks, and societal tensions threaten another lost decade for the region.

Am茅rica Latina, el "Consenso de Beijing" y la pandemia
May 31, 2021; Luis Filipe De Souza Porto
This analysis puts China's pandemic diplomacy efforts across Latin America into a wider regional and international context.

Latin Americans turn to U.S. for shots as region鈥檚 COVID-19 vaccine rollout lags
May 20, 2021; Kevin G. Hall, Jacqueline Charles, Lautaro Grinspan, and Shirsho Dasgupta
Those with the financial means are traveling to U.S. from across the region to get vaccinated.

鈥楽hocking imbalance鈥: Latin America鈥檚 poorest shut out of vaccine access as COVID surges
May 17, 2021; Jacqueline Charles, Shirsho Dasgupta, Kevin G. Hall, and Rosmery Izaguirre
The struggle to obtain vaccines continues across the region, leaving many vulnerable to emerging COVID variants.

Why Latin America鈥檚 economy has been so badly hurt by covid-19
May 13, 2021; The Economist
The region's sharp, pandemic-induced economic contraction stems from a combination of political, social, and fiscal factors.

Covid鈥檚 Shockwaves Took Poverty in Latin America to a New Nadir
May 5, 2021; Patrick Gillespie and Maya Averbuch
The pandemic-induced economic crisis is deepening across the region, driving many into poverty and daily hunger.

Migraci贸n y remesas en Centroam茅rica, Hait铆, M茅xico, Panam谩 y Rep煤blica Dominicana Impacto del Covid-19, de los huracanes y expectativas a mediano plazo
April 2021; M茅lanie Laloum and Marta Ruiz-Arranz
This Inter-American Development Bank report examines the impact of the pandemic and two hurricanes on Central American migration and remittances.

After a Year of Loss, South America Suffers Worst Death Tolls Yet
April 29, 2021; Julie Turkewitz and Mitra Taj
The pandemic continues to ravage the region, causing widespread suffering and upending the social fabric.

COVID-19: A Race Against Time to Vaccinate
April 22, 2021; Eric Hershberg, Christopher Kambhu, and Carla Froy
Governments are struggling to implement vaccine distribution campaigns due to unequal distribution of doses, a lack of ancillary supplies, and political disharmony.

Bretton Woods鈥 Pandemic Policies: A Gender Equality Analysis鈥擯erspectives from Latin America
April 21, 2021; Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Mariana Rulli
While international financial institutions, including the IMF and the World Bank, have publicly emphasized the need to maintain social safety nets for those affected by the pandemic, their loan conditionalities continue to reproduce social and gender inequalities in Latin America.

Vaccines Open an Opportunity for U.S. Diplomacy in the Caribbean
April 16, 2021; Wazim Mowla
The Biden administration has an opportunity to strengthen ties in the Caribbean by responding to the demand for vaccines.

Americas: Pandemic deepens decades of inequality, neglect and abuse in region worst hit by COVID-19
April 7, 2021; Amnesty International
The pandemic response across the Americas is hampered by inequality, weak infrastructure, and ineffective leadership.

Social Panorama of Latin America 2020
March 2021; CEPAL
This annual report by the UN's Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean analyzes the social impact of COVID-19, underlying trends that were exacerbated by the pandemic, and government responses.

Recognizing Indigenous land rights can help fight climate change and boost economies
March 31, 2021; Julio Berdegu茅
Strengthening Indigenous territorial rights can boost the post-pandemic economic recovery while safeguarding forests across Latin America.

Latin America鈥檚 True Disaster May Be 2021
March 25, 2021; Brian Winter
While many Latin American politicians and elites feel that the region is past the worst of the pandemic, emerging research reveals many negative long-range consequences for the poor and marginalized.

114 million children still out of the classroom in Latin America and the Caribbean
March 24, 2021; UNICEF
A year into the pandemic, education systems across the region still face many challenges.

COVID-19 Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Partnership Strategy for the Biden Administration
March 16, 2021; Jason Marczak and Cristina Guevara
This Atlantic Council report outlines a leadership role for the U.S. in spurring Latin America's pandemic recovery, focused on health, democratic governance, education, climate, and the economy.

Vacunas para pocos en Am茅rica Latina
March 6, 2021; Federico Rivas Molina and Jorge Galindo
The region is emblematic of global vaccine inequities; the number of doses it has received are not enough to inoculate even 3% of its population.

What Is COVAX and What Does It Mean for Latin America?
March 2, 2021; Chase Harrison
This explainer outlines how the COVAX Facility procures and distributes COVID vaccines to countries around the world with a Latin American focus.

Post: C贸mo luchamos (y a veces perdimos) por nuestros derechos en pandemia
February 2021; Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
This edited volume explores how the human rights agenda can respond to the challenges wrought by the pandemic.

Am茅rica Latina, es momento de trabajar juntos para vencer la pandemia
February 16, 2021; Miguel Lago y Anna Petherick
The authors argue that economic and social inequities should be considered mortality factors of COVID and prioritized as governments devise vaccination plans.

The economic autonomy of women in a sustainable recovery with equality
February 10, 2021; ECLAC (CEPAL)
This report examines the pandemic's impact on women鈥檚 employment in Latin America as the current mass exodus from the labor force will cause long-term regional ramifications.

Latin America needs a new social contract
February 6, 2021; The Economist
The pandemic has exposed frailties within states across the region, sparking debate for new social contracts.

The Challenges Facing Latin America after COVID, Part 1
February 3, 2021; Dr. Evan Ellis and Dr. John Nagl
This interview with Dr. Evan Ellis, Latin America Research Professor for the U.S. Army War College, offers a US strategic perspective on the economic and social challenges that the region faces in 2021 and beyond. Read Part 2 here.

Guess Who鈥檚 Having A Good Pandemic: How COVID-19 is changing organized crime
January 2021; Americas Quarterly
A special report on organized crime during the pandemic explores how criminal groups have taken advantage of school closures, unemployment, and distracted governments to expand their grip throughout Latin America.

Reopening schools in Latin America and the Caribbean: key points, challenges, and dilemmas to plan a safe return to in-person classes
January 2021; Inter-American Development Bank and UNESCO
This report analyzes how countries across the region can safely reopen their classrooms and the obstacles governments face to achieve it.

The IDB and Economic Recovery in the Americas: A Conversation with Mauricio Claver-Carone
January 29, 2021; Wilson Center
The President of the Inter-American Development Bank speaks with experts from the Wilson Center about the IDB's responses and strategies for the pandemic and its economic impacts on the region.

As铆 empieza la vacunaci贸n en Am茅rica Latina
January 11, 2021; Jorge Galindo
Vaccination programs continue their uneven rollout across the region as vaccine access remains varied and limited.

The State of Latin American Health Cooperation
January 7, 2021; Mar铆a Bel茅n Herrero and Beatriz Nascimiento
In Latin America, the increasing fragility of regional integration has led to a fragmented pandemic response.

Latin America waits for tourists to return
November 27, 2021, The Economist
Despite a modest bump in overall tourism numbers in the second half of 2021, the sector is not recovering fast enough to repair the enormous damage to Latin American economies.

Recovering Growth : Rebuilding Dynamic Post鈥怌OVID-19 Economies amid Fiscal Constraints
October 2021; Chief Economist Office for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank
The World Bank charts a path to a dynamic post-pandemic recovery in the region, focusing on inclusive health and education systems, expanding digital infrastructure and a greener economy.

Interview: How the Pandemic has Affected These Latinx Supporting Organizations and How You Can Help
October 22, 2021; ACLU Washington
The ACLU of Washington documents the impact of the pandemic on three different organizations serving Latinx populations.

Latino Housing Trends During COVID-19
October 18, 2021; Jamie Buell and Joshua Devine
Research from from NCRC illustrates the impact of COVID-19 on Latino Households, demonstrating persistent economic insecurity and elevated risks of foreclosure and eviction.

An Informal Economic Recovery
September 17, 2021; Catherine Osborn
Despite optimistic economic projections for the region, employment rates and wages have not returned to pre-pandemic levels, and formalizing labor remains a daunting challenge.

Evoluci贸n del turismo en Per煤 2010-2020, la influencia del COVID-19 y recomendaciones pos-COVID-19: nota sectorial de turismo
August 2021; Jorge Daries, Vicente Jaime, and Santiago Bucaram
This Inter-American Development Bank report discusses the pandemic's impact on Peru鈥檚 tourism industry and offers a path towards recovery through improved governance, diversification of tourism offerings, formalization of the economy, and public/private partnerships.

As pandemic drags on, Latin American women lose even more ground
August 11, 2021; Megan Janetsky
The pandemic is undoing decades of progress on gendered economic gaps in Latin America.

A Tale of Two Pandemics: Economic Inequality and Support for Containment Measures in Peru
July 2021; Miguel Carreras, Sofia Vera, and Giancarlo Visconti
A survey from Peru demonstrates that poverty and economic vulnerability explain why low-income Peruvians are less likely to conform with lockdown policies.

For U.S. Latinos, COVID-19 Has Taken a Personal and Financial Toll
July 15, 2021; Luis Noe-bustamante, Jens Manuel Krogstad, and Mark Hugo Lopez
Pew polling research demonstrates that half of Latinos say they or their families faced personal health or financial hardships due to COVID.

The worst of both worlds
June 25, 2021; Terrence McCoy
Brazil's poor COVID-19 response has pushed millions into poverty, leading to an explosion of informal settlements.

Recuperaci贸n econ贸mica con perspectiva de g茅nero
June 6, 2021; Mercedes d'Alessandro
Argentina's National Director of the Economy, Equality, and Gender argues that a gendered approach to COVID-19's economic impacts should spur a "feminization" of national economic policy.

How to Escape the COVID-19 Debt Trap
June 4, 2021; Catherine Osborn
Sharp debt increases across the region are sparking conversations around debt reform by borrowers and lenders.

Desaf铆os de las Pol铆ticas P煤blicas frente a la Crisis de los Cuidados
May 2021; Argentine Economy Ministry and UNICEF
In Argentina, female-headed households have struggled throughout the pandemic, with a lack of childcare options limiting their economic prospects.

Imagining a Post-COVID Tourism Recovery: Regional Overview
May 2021; Olga Gomez Garcia, Henry Mooney, David Rosenblatt, and Maria Alejandra Zegarra
This Inter-American Development Bank report evaluates the possibilities for tourism recovery, focusing on traveler demands from source countries, the abilities of host countries to safely receive them, and the possibilities for new innovations.

Covid pushed millions worldwide from the middle class to poverty. One man is trying to work his way back.
May 29, 2021; Anthony Faiola and Megan Janetsky
The story of one Afro-Colombian illustrates the pandemic's economic toll on the middle class.

El dilema de Latinoam茅rica: subir impuestos o el abismo de la deuda
May 8, 2021; Ignacio Fariza
Regional governments face the difficult decision to raise taxes or take on additional debt to escape the pandemic-induced recession.

Colombia鈥檚 New Finance Chief Urges Unity as Protests Rage
May 4, 2021; Andrea Jaramillo
The debate and protests surrounding a tax proposal in Colombia reflect the fiscal challenges facing Latin America due to the pandemic.

In Colombia, 19 Are Killed in Pandemic-Related Protests
May 3, 2021; Julie Turkewitz
A proposed tax reform meant to address Colombia's pandemic-induced fiscal challenges has sparked nationwide protests.

Transitando la crisis laboral por la pandemia: hacia una recuperaci贸n del empleo centrada en las personas
April 2021; Roxana Maurizio
This report from the International Labor Organization offers recommendations for a regional economic recovery focused on labor formalization, equity, and environmental sustainability.

Caribbean food security during COVID-19 can only be ensured through debt relief
April 26, 2021; Kasmine Forbes
Tourism levels have collapsed in the Caribbean during the pandemic, putting nations across the region under increasing fiscal stress.

After a Terrible Year for Women in the Economy, These Places Are Working Toward a Feminist Recovery From COVID-19
April 20, 2021; Ciara Nugent
Argentina is a global leader in applying a gendered approach to its economic recovery.

鈥榃e Were Left With Nothing鈥: Argentina鈥檚 Misery Deepens in the Pandemic
April 19, 2021; Peter S. Goodman and Daniel Politi
The pandemic has forced Argentina to confront yet another economic and fiscal crisis.

鈥楴o More Parties鈥: Mexico鈥檚 Pi帽ata Makers Badly Bruised by Pandemic
April 8, 2021; Oscar Lopez
The plight of Mexican pi帽ata makers illustrates how small businesses are faring a year into the pandemic.

Explotaci贸n agravada
April 4, 2021; Laura Guarinoni
Domestic workers in Argentina face abuse from their employers and weak demand while continuing to risk coronavirus exposure to earn a living.

Famed garment factory paying a living wage struggles to stay afloat
April 2, 2021; Milli Legrain
The struggles of a garment factory in the Dominican Republic illustrates the pandemic's impacts on the industry and workers.

Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2020: Facing the challenge of COVID-19
March 2021; Dillon Alleyne, Michael Hendrickson, Sheldon McLean, Machel Pantin, Naysha Skerrette, Hidenobu Tokuda, and Keron Victor
This ECLAC economic assessment analyzes the pandemic's economic impact on the Caribbean, with particular focus on the energy and tourism sectors.

How the Caribbean Can Avoid Becoming a COVID-19 Long-Hauler
March 12, 2021; Krishna Srinivasan, S貌nia Mu帽oz, and Ding Ding
Caribbean nations with tourism-focused economies are at risk of economic downturns lasting long after the pandemic is controlled.

Mujeres en la punta de la lanza: recuperaci贸n econ贸mica a trav茅s del transporte
March 8, 2021; Valeria Bernal, Laureen Montes, and Valentina Montoya Robledo
Major cities can spur their post-pandemic economic recoveries by utilizing a gendered approach when investing in public transit systems.

Latinos Face Disproportionate Health and Economic Impacts From COVID-19
March 5, 2021; Ryan Zamarripa and Lorena Roque
The pandemic has had a dramatic negative impact of Latino employment and wealth, exacerbating existing economic inequities.

The distributional impacts of the reduction in remittances in Central America in COVID-19 times
February 2021; German Daniel Caruso, Maria Emilia Cucagna, and Julieta Ladronis
The authors estimate that the pandemic will reduce remittances from the U.S. to Central America by as much as 14%, leading to greater poverty across the region.

Vaccine Delays Leave Latin America鈥檚 Economies in the Mud
February 23, 2021; Andrew Rosati
Slow inoculation campaigns could delay the region's economic recovery.

Should the rich pay for the pandemic? Argentina thinks so. Other countries are taking a look.
February 19, 2021; Diego Laje and Anthony Faiola
Several Latin American nations are exploring - or have implemented - wealth taxes to offset increased spending due to the pandemic and economic slowdown.

Dominican Republic: Remittances Showing Strong Rebound Despite COVID-19
February 18, 2021; Gerelyn Terzo
Remittances from the Dominican diaspora are cushioning the country's pandemic-induced economic shock.

Failure to contain COVID jeopardises Latin America recovery: IMF
February 8, 2021; Radmilla Suleymanova
Effective vaccine distribution and the state of the U.S. economy temper hopes for a rapid economic recovery across the region.

Explaining the economic impact of COVID-19: Core industries and the Hispanic workforce
February 5, 2021; Aaron Klein and Ember Smith
The economic impacts of coronavirus have been especially devastating for the hospitality and leisure industries, creating disproportionately negative effects for Latinx workers in cities like Las Vegas, Reno, and Orlando.

Bananas boom while workers pay the price
February 3, 2021; Paul Lievens
The pandemic has caused a boom in banana exports and a pretext for cuts to labor rights, putting workers in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru in a challenging position.

Latin America's Lost Decades
January/February 2021; Luis Alberto Moreno
The former president of the Inter-American Development Bank argues that the crisis of the pandemic in Latin America is a crisis of inequality.

Pandemic Tipple
January 29, 2021; Lucy Hale
While Argentine winemakers avoided the economic devastation seen throughout the larger economy last year, the industry faces many short and long term challenges.

The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Latin American Air Carriers
January 21, 2021; Kris Urs
Latin American airlines are struggling due to the pandemic, with implications for the region's economic near- and long-term economic recovery.

As spending climbs and revenue falls, the coronavirus forces a global reckoning
January 10, 2021; Alexander Villegas, Anthony Faiola, and Lesley Wroughton
Costa Rica is emblematic of a global credit crunch as governments contend with the pandemic's economic and fiscal fallout.

Brazil's Pioneering Solution to Vaccine Shortages
Dec 2, 2021; Joseph E. Stiglitz, Achal Prabhala, and Felipe Carvalho
While a waiver for intellectual property rights on COVID vaccines is stuck in the WTO, a bill is moving through Brazil鈥檚 congress to override IP rights based on security exceptions created in the TRIPS agreement.

Latin America鈥檚 Stranded Sputniks
November 19, 2021; Beatriz Garc铆a Nice
Millions of Latin Americans received the Sputnik vaccinations and are thus ineligible to enter the U.S. as the Russian vaccine has thus far not received WHO approval.

How to make governments more productive in the post-COVID world: Lessons from Brazil
November 18, 2021; Francisco Gaetani
Governments can capitalize on the massive shift to digital to increase service delivery, evinced by Brazil鈥檚 experiences with Conecte SUS health platform and remote work for public servants.

Poderes no santos: alianzas de ultraderecha en Latinoam茅rica
November 14, 2021; Mayra Castillo, et al.
During the pandemic, ultra-right groups across Latin America deepened ties with political parties and expanded their online presence.

As COVID-19 cases wane in Latin America, geopolitical landscape remains dire
October 21, 2021; Soli Salgado
Corruption, poverty, and political and social inequality led to a disastrous pandemic response in Latin America. As the pandemic ebbs, these structural factors remain in place, contributing to growing authoritarianism in the region.

Brazilian Leader Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Pandemic Response
October 19, 2021; Jack Nicas
Bolsonaro faces charges of crimes against humanity by a Brazilian congressional panel for deliberately allowing the spread of coronavirus.

Region - Good news hasn鈥檛 been good politics for most leaders
September 28, 2021; Latin America Risk Report
A serious drop in COVID cases and an improving economy haven鈥檛 translated into political support for incumbent leaders in the region.

Under Pressure: Women's Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis
July 2021; Raphael Bruce, Alexsandros Cavgias, Luis Meloni, and M谩rio Rem铆gio
The authors develop a methodological approach to demonstrate that Brazilian municipalities with female mayors had fewer deaths and hospitalizations and enforced more COVID restrictions.

鈥淲orst Of Brazil鈥: Covid-19 Vaccine Corruption Implicates Top Bolsonaro Allies
July 31, 2021; Andrew Fishman
While Brazil鈥檚 COVID failures are largely attributed to ideological motivations of the Bolsonaro administration, revelations from a congressional probe demonstrate that corruption has also played a central role.

Why Latin American Mayors Matter More Than Ever
July 14, 2021; Eugene Zapata-garesch茅聽
Given the partisanship and ineffectiveness of national leadership in much of the region, in Latin America, city mayors will play a leading role in the pandemic recovery.

Google automatically installed a Covid-19 tracker on phones in Costa Rica
June 24, 2021; Leo Schwartz
Development of a contact tracing feature on mobile phones in Costa Rica was undermined when the feature suddenly appeared before its intended launch.

鈥淣o Moriremos De Covid-19, Sino De Corrupci贸n鈥: Guatemala ante la pandemia
May 2021; Lina Barrios
Guatemalan elites repeatedly prioritized their economic interests over the health and safety of ordinary citizens: slowing efforts to institute lockdowns, refusing to fund healthcare workers salaries, and taking directly from public COVID funds.

Brazil: Case Study of How NOT to Handle a Pandemic
May 28, 2021; Ingrid Fontes
President Jair Bolsonro shoulders most of the blame for Brazil's inept COVID-19 response.

Teach Your Children: Behind Argentina鈥檚 Quiet Rebellion
May 18, 2021; Eduardo Levy Yeyati
A battle over school closures represents a larger debate among Argentinians about the country's pandemic response.

These Three Feminists Are Changing Argentina From the Inside
May 11, 2021; Alisha Haridasani Gupta and Daniel Politi
In this interview, three high-level officials in Argentina explain how they integrate a feminist perspective into the government's pandemic policies.

Pandemic Spending Immunity Deepens El Salvador Corruption Concerns
May 10, 2021; Alex Papadovassilakis
President Bukele is leveraging his party's legislative majority to shield his administration from corruption investigations.

Pressure increases for US to send vaccines to Latin America
May 4, 2021; Laura Kelly and Rafael Bernal
Increasing COVID vaccine access to Latin America is of growing importance in U.S. political and diplomatic circles.

Brazil Seeks to Hold Bolsonaro Accountable For More Than 400,000 COVID-19 Deaths
May 1, 2021; Andrew Fishman
Brazil's president appears politically vulnerable as a congressional commission investigates his administration's pandemic response.

China鈥檚 Foreign Aid Political Drivers: Lessons from a Novel Dataset of Mask Diplomacy in Latin America During the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 2021; Diego Telias and Francisco Urdinez
Strategic motivations have shaped Chinese and Taiwanese mask diplomacy in Latin America, based on an analysis of donations from governments, foundations, and private companies.

Bolsonaro has insulted much of the world. Now Brazil needs its help.
April 30, 2021; Terrence McCoy
The lack of international pandemic support for Brazil reflects its diminished global standing under President Jair Bolsonaro.

Amid Brazil鈥檚 COVID chaos, socialist Marica forges different path
April 26, 2021; Monica Yanakiew
A coastal Brazilian town's investments in local infrastructure and economic reforms are helping it weather the pandemic.

Latin America鈥檚 lack of a united front on Covid has had disastrous consequences
April 23, 2021; Andre Pagliarini
Governments across the region have attempted to address the pandemic on their own, with limited success.

2025 Post-Covid Scenarios: Latin America and the Caribbean
April 21, 2021; Pepe Zhang and Peter Engelke
This report envisions how the pandemic's medium- and long-term impacts could affect the region in the coming years.

COVID-19: Vaccine Diplomacy Drives Hard Bargain
April 16, 2021; Eric Hershberg, Christopher Kambhu, and Carla Froy
China, Russia, and the United States are leveraging vaccine access for policy changes which suit their interests.

Venezuela to produce Cuban COVID vaccine: Maduro
April 12, 2021; Al Jazeera
Venezuela's government announces new vaccine deals, including one to domestically produce a Cuban-developed jab.

Tax-the-Rich Initiatives Gain Support Across Latin America
April 8, 2021; Patrick Gillespie
Governments across the region are considering wealth tax proposals as part of their pandemic recovery plans.

Brazilian Congress Setting Up Corporations To Cut Covid-19 Vaccine Line
April 7 2021, Andrew Fishman
In the midst of perhaps the world鈥檚 worst coronavirus crisis, Brazil鈥檚 Congress and Judiciary are allowing preferential vaccine access for wealthy corporations.

Nicaraguan ruler Ortega rolls out vaccination campaign amid secrecy and doubt
April 5, 2021; Wilfredo Miranda
Nicaragua's government has given few details about its COVID vaccination program, fitting a pattern of downplaying the pandemic.

Las goticas milagrosas del doctor Maduro
April 4, 2021; Alberto Barrera Tyszka
Venezuelan President Nicol谩s Maduro is leveraging the pandemic to maintain his grip on power.

The Caribbean's skillful vaccine diplomacy
March 31, 2021; Bert Hoffman
Some Caribbean nations have successfully navigated the vaccine diplomacy efforts of larger states to procure much-needed doses and economic assistance.

Brazil is rocked by political turmoil as pandemic outlook darkens
March 30, 2021; Helo铆sa Traiano and Terrence McCoy
President Jair Bolsonaro is facing political precarity as tension within his government and among the populace mounts over his poor pandemic policies.

Against the odds, Cuba could become a coronavirus vaccine powerhouse
March 29, 2021; Anthony Faiola and Ana Vanessa Herrero
Cuba's successful development of one or more COVID vaccines would have significant political and economic implications.

Argentina: Abusive Covid-19 Measures in Northern Province
March 25, 2021; Human Rights Watch
Authorities in Argentina鈥檚 Formosa Province are employing abusive and unsanitary measures in the name of COVID prevention, including detaining potentially infected people in crowded holding centers and disrupting efforts for greater transparency.

Nicaragua: Triple-Crisis Threatens More Instability, Poverty, and Migration
March 23, 2021; William Vigil
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of several crises converging on Nicaragua, threatening many with poverty and driving migration.

Brazil Needs Vaccines. China Is Benefiting.
March 15, 2021; Ernesto Londo帽o and Let铆cia Casado
China is leveraging its COVID vaccine capabilities to further its interests in Latin America, including Brazil's 5G infrastructure.

Coronavirus en Chile: c贸mo se explica que pese a la buena vacunaci贸n tenga la tasa de contagio m谩s alta desde el peor momento de la pandemia
March 11, 2021; Lioman Lima
Despite Chile鈥檚 success in vaccine distribution, coronavirus cases are spiking again due to ineffective policies and quarantine fatigue.

Racial reckoning in the Caribbean: Former colony confronts the Netherlands over coronavirus aid conditions
March 10, 2021; Anthony Faiola and Ana Vanessa Herrero
Economic crisis and the collapse of tourism forced former Dutch colonies in the Caribbean to seek financial lifelines from the Netherlands. The strings attached to the aid have sparked accusations of racism and neo-colonialism.

Brazil鈥檚 Handling of COVID-19 Is a Global Emergency
March 3, 2021; Ilona Szab贸 de Carvalho
As Jair Bolsonaro lays the groundwork for his presidential reelection campaign, his continued efforts to undermine his nation's pandemic response represent a growing threat to Brazilians.

Ministro de Sanidad, empleo con riesgo de despido inminente en Latinoam茅rica
March 2, 2021; Redacci贸n El Mercurio
The pandemic has made Minister of Health one of the most precarious jobs in Latin America; since its arrival in the region last year, more than 20 ministers have left their posts due to corruption or political pressure.

鈥榁.I.P. Immunization鈥 for the Powerful and Their Cronies Rattles South America
February 25, 2021; Mitra Taj, Anatoly Kurmanaev, Manuela Andreoni and Daniel Politi
A series of scandals involving government officials jumping the line for COVID vaccines or procuring them for their family and friends is turning public support into anger against the government across the region.

The Populists Who Got COVID-19 Are a Warning for Democracy
February 18, 2021; Christian Paz
A combination of hubris and electoral politics has prompted political leaders across the Americas to continue downplaying the pandemic, even after they catch COVID-19.

Vaccine Diplomacy: A New Cold War
February 11, 2021; Genaro Lozano
The vaccine nationalism exhibited by the United States is opening the door for China and Russia to bolster their influence across Latin America.

Maduro touts miracle cure to mask massive problem: Venezuela can鈥檛 (or won鈥檛) get vaccines
February 9, 2021; Ana Vanessa Herrero and Anthony Faiola
Venezuela's pandemic response ventures into magical realism as political infighting undermines efforts to attain COVID vaccines and other medical supplies.

Argentina: human rights outrage at province's 'abusive' quarantine
February 7, 2021; Uki Go帽i
The quarantine policies in Argentina's Formosa province have sparked a debate about balancing public health with respect for human rights.

The U.S. and China Are Battling for Influence in Latin America, and the Pandemic Has Raised the Stakes
February 4, 2021; Ciara Nugent and Charlie Campell
The pandemic has created new opportunities for China to compete against the U.S. for greater influence in Latin America.

Discrimina y vencer谩s鈥 en las elecciones peruanas
February 2, 2021; Gabriela Wiener
The possible transition of Peru's presidential campaigning to take place completely online would shut many in Peruvian society out of the process.

Los muertos nos persiguen en M茅xico
January 30, 2021; Jorge Ramos
The common thread between high levels of violence and COVID-19 deaths in Mexico is the government's poor response for both crises.

Mexico鈥檚 pandemic policy: No police. No curfews. No fines. No regrets.
January 26, 2021; Mary Beth Sheridan
Mexico's pandemic messaging strategy reflected its history of government repression - but poor leadership undermined its approach and impact.

Motorcade rallies call for impeachment of Bolsonaro in Brazil
January 24, 2021; Tom Phillips
President Jair Bolsonaro's position looks increasingly uncertain as groups from across Brazil's political spectrum protest his response to COVID-19.

Bolsonaro rival hails Covid vaccinations as 'triumph of science against denialists'
January 17, 2021; Tom Phillips
Brazil's first Coronavirus vaccinations take place as political leaders continue to squabble about the appropriate pandemic response.

Disappointing Chinese Vaccine Results Pose Setback for Developing World
January 13, 2021; Sui-Lee Wee and Ernesto Londo帽o
Disappointing results for a Chinese Coronavirus vaccine trial in Brazil have political and epidemiological implications for China's pandemic diplomacy in Latin America.

January 12, 2021; Beatriz Rey
As President Jair Bolsonaro continues to grab international headlines, Brazil's Congress has played the lead role in the country's Coronavirus response.

Corruption Scandals Stain Bukele鈥檚 Image Ahead of Key Elections in El Salvador
January 6, 2021; Robert Looney
Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele's authoritarian tendencies, combined with various corruption cases and allegations stemming from his government's COVID-19 response, could damage his party's prospects in upcoming legislative elections.

Vaccinators in Peru's Amazon face many challenges including religion and rivers
January 4, 2022; Jason Beaubien
A story about the challenges of access to vaccination in the Peruvian Amazon.

鈥楾hose patients are still out there鈥: How COVID-19 complicated Latinos鈥 access to health care
December 8, 2021; Bert Johnson
The COVID pandemic has created hard-to-measure knock-on effects for public health; this story documents the challenges faced by a health clinic serving Latino communities in Nevada.

Psicolog铆a basada en la evidencia en tiempos del covid en M茅xico
November 2021; Everardo Camacho Guti茅rrez
Emphasizes the necessity for more data collection on the impacts of covid on mental health in Mexico.

Peru has the world's highest COVID death rate. Here's why.
November 27, 2021; Jason Beaubien
A 鈥減erfect storm鈥 of factors conspired to make COVID so deadly in Peru: its reliance on imported medical supplies, an underfunded medical system, a huge informal economy and a political system in crisis.

Will School Vaccination Sites Help Close the Latino COVID-19 Gap?
November 12, 2021; Hosam Elattar
Partnerships between schools, pharmacies, and the state government in Orange County, California are establishing vaccine clinics for children to close the vaccination gap for Latino populations.

Despite Bolsonaro, Brazil Has Barely Any Anti-Vaxxers Far more of the population is getting their shots than in the U.S.
November 10, 2021; Vincent Bevins
Despite Bolsonaro鈥檚 anti-vax rhetoric, vaccine hesitancy is low in Brazil, reflecting a long legacy of strong public vaccination programs and accessible healthcare.

Enrolling My Son in the COVID-19 Clinical Trials: Para Nuestra Familia y Comunidad
October 15, 2021; Dr. Ruth M. Lopez
A Latina doctor discusses her decision to place her child in COVID-19 clinical trials.

By boat, by motorbike, by foot: The journey to vaccinate Colombia鈥檚 remotest communities
October 12, 2021; Samantha Schmidt
Documenting the challenge to vaccinate people in remote areas of Colombia, where accessibility challenges combine with lack of information and deep distrust in the state.

Cuba expects to reach 鈥榝ull immunization鈥 with homegrown vaccines by Dec. 31
Sept. 23, 2021; Rick Gladstone
Cuba expects to fully immunize its population with its domestically-produced vaccine by the end of this year.

Examining the impact: COVID-19 and the Hispanic community
September 15, 2021; Milagros Yoch
Across 40 states, Latinos are 7% more likely to die of COVID than Caucasians.

Pfizer accused of holding Brazil 鈥榯o ransom鈥 over vaccine contract demands
September 10, 2021; Mattha Busby and Fl谩via Milhorance
Leaked contract negotiations between Brazil and Pfizer show that the country put up sovereign assets as collateral to guarantee indemnity for the vaccines.

Asesor铆a cient铆fica y pol铆tica p煤blica: La gesti贸n de la pandemia en Guatemala
August 2021; Luis Guillermo Vel谩squez P茅rez
A discussion of the successes and failures of the scientific community in influencing COVID policymaking in Guatemala.

Oxygen firms accused of intimidating Mexican hospitals during pandemic
August 25, 2021; Madlen Davies, Lorena Rios, and Chrissie Giles
After hospitals in Mexico switched to more cost-effective oxygen production systems, multinational oxygen suppliers have attacked hospitals with threats, misinformation, and legal action.

Cuba鈥檚 health system buckles under strain of overwhelming Covid surge
August 22, 2021; Ed Augustin and Daniel Montero
Economic crisis and medical shortages fueled by U.S. sanctions have crippled Cuba鈥檚 coronavirus response in the midst of a massive outbreak.

Uplifting the Latino Population From Obscurity to the Forefront of Health Care, Public Health Intervention, and Societal Presence
August 17, 2021; Amelie G. Ramirez, Rita Lepe, and Francisco Cigarroa
The pandemic exposed structural inequalities in Latino people鈥檚 access to health, demonstrating the pressing need to expand employment opportunities for Latino participation in healthcare.

Far Rockaway Has the Lowest Vaccination Rate in the City. Here鈥檚 Why
August 10, 2021; Giulia McDonnell and Nieto del Rio
Misinformation, fears about the shot, difficult work schedules, and geographic isolation have caused vaccination rates to lag among Latino communities in the easternmost parts of Queens, NY.

In the Midst of the Delta Variant Surge, a Cautious Ray of Hope With the Decline of Latino COVID-19 Deaths
July 27, 2021; Rogelio S谩enz, Adolph Delgado, and Joshua A. Reyna聽
Latino deaths from COVID have declined in 26 out of 27 weeks of 2021; however, to maintain those gains significant additional efforts are needed to increase vaccination rates.

In China We Trust: Field-testing CoronaVac in Chile
July 23, 2021; Jilly Rolnick and Gavin Voss
Despite Chile鈥檚 vaccination success - the 5th highest vaccination rate in the world - cases surged in May and June. The authors argue that this is partially attributable to the limitations of the Chinese-made CoronaVac.

Special Delivery: Latin America鈥檚 Medical Suppliers
June 4, 2021; Gregory Ross and Lucy Hale
Latin America is dependent on imported medical supplies; as such, it has faced ongoing shortfalls of medical equipment during the pandemic.

Vaccine Diplomacy and Political Diversification in Mexico鈥檚 Science and Technology Stakeholders
June 2, 2021; Brenda Valderrama, Parsifal Islas, Yudy Tibaduiza, and Marga Gual Soler
The pandemic has sparked collaborations across Mexican science and technology institutions at the local, national, and international levels.

La salud de los migrantes y sujetos de protecci贸n internacional centroamericanos en M茅xico ante el COVID-19. Marco legal versus acceso real
May 2021; Valeria Marina Valle and Caroline Irene Deschak
Discrimination and xenophobia are undermining healthcare protections for Central American migrants in Mexico.

Mexico鈥檚 doctors protest as vaccines denied to frontline health workers
May 28, 2021; David Agren
Forced to wait for COVID vaccines, some Mexican health workers debate traveling to the United States to receive the jab.

Prioridade na vacina莽茫o negligencia a geografia da Covid-19 em S茫o Paulo
May 26, 2021; Alu铆zio Marino, Gisele Brito, Pedro Mendon莽a, and Raquel Rolnik
New research maps the racial inequities of coronavirus deaths and vaccinations in S茫o Paulo.

The Struggle to Improve Vaccination Rates Among Latinos in New York
May 22, 2021; Stephania Taladrid
The diverse Latino community in New York City faces a variety of obstacles, both institutional and personal, to getting the COVID vaccine.

鈥楶eople die in less than a week鈥: Covid wave catches Argentina off-guard
May 20, 2021; Uki Go帽i
A spike in COVID cases and deaths has made Argentina a new global hot spot.

Mexico鈥檚 coronavirus deaths are plummeting. The 鈥楤iden wall鈥 could be a factor.
May 19, 2021; Mary Beth Sheridan
Despite a weak vaccination campaign the pandemic situation is improving in Mexico, provoking several theories to explain the decrease in COVID cases and deaths.

How Employer Actions Could Facilitate Equity in COVID-19 Vaccinations
May 17, 2021; Samantha Artiga and Liz Hamel
A recent survey finds that Latinos are concerned about missing work due to vaccine side effects; paid time off could be a highly effective strategy to boost vaccination rates.

Why Is Covid Killing So Many Young Children in Brazil? Doctors Are Baffled
May 16, 2021; Ana Ionova
In Brazil, children are dying from COVID at a rate much higher than the rest of the world.

El Salvador: Aprueban ley que otorga inmunidad por las compras irregulares en pandemia
May 5, 2021; Cecibel Romero
El Salvador's legislature has loosened regulations on the health ministry regarding procurement of pandemic supplies, even though some provisions are unconstitutional.

Officials grapple with coronavirus vaccine hesitancy among Latino evangelicals
May 4, 2021; Tibisay Zea and Frances Stead Sellers
Latino evangelical pastors play a key role in combating - or exacerbating - vaccine hesitancy in the United States.

How two young math geeks solved the mystery of Mexico City鈥檚 covid-19 dead
May 3, 2021; Mary Beth Sheridan
Citizen sleuths uncover the pandemic's true magnitude in Mexico.

Can Cuba beat COVID with its homegrown vaccines?
April 29, 2021; Emiliano Rodr铆guez Mega
In this interview, one of Cuba's leading COVID vaccine researchers discusses recent progress and the challenges of working under the U.S. embargo.

Scarred by Zika and fearing new COVID-19 variants, Brazilian women say no to another pandemic pregnancy
April 28, 2021; Let铆cia Marteleto
The legacy of birth defects from Zika and uncertainty around COVID is spurring Brazilian women to avoid pregnancy.

鈥榃e are being ignored鈥: Brazil鈥檚 researchers blame anti-science government for devastating COVID surge
April 27, 2021; Luke Taylor
President Jair Bolsonaro's anti-science stance has undermined critical scientific research and messaging throughout the pandemic.

#LiberenLasPatentes: un grito global contra la desigualdad
April 21, 2021; Carolina Vespasiano
Strong support exists throughout the region for a suspension of intellectual property rights to ensure more equitable vaccine production.

Brazil has become South America's superspreader event
April 5, 2021; Lucien Chauvin, Anthony Faiola, and Terrence McCoy
A coronavirus variant originating in Manaus has spread across the region, pushing hospitals to the brink once again.

A City in Brazil鈥檚 Amazon Rain Forest Is a Stark Warning about COVID to the Rest of the World
March 29, 2021; Luke Taylor
The Brazilian coronavirus mutations result from聽lax policies and public attitudes allowing the virus to spread.

Hispanic Texans are still struggling to get vaccines. Here鈥檚 how Dallas is trying to change that.
March 25, 2021; Juan Pablo Garnham
From technology challenges to distrust of government agencies, Latinos in Texas face many barriers to vaccine access.

Opacidad e inconsistencias marcan la ruta de las vacunas rusas para el personal de salud
March 23, 2021; Orianny Granado and V铆ctor Amaya
A month into Venezuela鈥檚 vaccine program, 34% of the vaccine supply is unaccounted for while the vast majority of frontline workers remain exposed.

A year into the pandemic, COVID-19 has ravaged El Paso
March 14, 2021; Robert Moore
This analysis of racial inequities in COVID-19 infections and deaths draws upon research by CLALS Faculty Affiliate Ernesto Casta帽eda.

How Chile built one of the world鈥檚 most successful vaccination campaigns
March 10, 2021; Jen Kirby
Chile is a world leader in COVID vaccinations thanks to aggressive vaccine purchasing and strong health infrastructure.

Brazil Is Brilliant at Vaccinations. So What Went Wrong This Time?
February 28, 2021; Vanessa Barbara
President Jair Bolsonaro has consistently undermined Brazil's pandemic response, resulting in a delayed and disorganized vaccination program that has cost many lives.

Mexico is vaccinating its poorest citizens first 鈥 against the advice of health experts
February 26, 2021; Kevin Sieff and Paulina Villegas
The government's vaccination plan prioritizes the poor over other groups - including the doctors and nurses performing the vaccinations - leading to accusations of vaccine politicization.

鈥楬eld to ransom鈥: Pfizer demands governments gamble with state assets to secure vaccine deal
February 23, 2021; Madlen Davies, Rosa Furneaux, Iv谩n Ruiz, and Jill Langlois
Pfizer has been accused of aggressive negotiation tactics in their dealings with Latin American countries, including asking some governments to put up sovereign assets as collateral against potential legal cases.

Coronavirus Vaccine Nears Final Tests in Cuba. Tourists May Be Inoculated.
February 17, 2021; Ed Augustin and Natalie Kitroeff
Cuba is on the verge of mass-producing a domestically developed COVID vaccine, with implications for its healthcare system, economy, and foreign relations.

Squeezed out of the race for Western vaccines, developing countries turn to China
February 16, 2021; Lucien O. Chauvin, Anthony Faiola, and Eva Dou
Peru's experience procuring vaccines is emblematic of many Latin American countries: shut out from initial shipments of Western vaccines, governments are turning to less effective Chinese vaccines for their citizens.

My wife and I got covid-19. Our doctor prescribed a medication used to treat parasites in livestock.
February 13, 2021; Terrence McCoy
Many Brazilians doctors and patients are clamoring for a variety of medications to treat COVID-19, even though their effectiveness is inconclusive at best.

The arduous path for oxygen to reach the sick in one of Brazil鈥檚 most remote regions
February 11, 2021; J煤lia Ledur
Meeting the current demand for oxygen in Manaus is an arduous task, with the city's location deep in the Amazon posing many logistical challenges.

How Chile became an unlikely winner in the COVID-19 vaccine race
February 10, 2021; Veronica Diaz-Cerda
Chile has become a vaccine success story by procuring a large number of vaccines from a variety of sources.

鈥楾he Death Market鈥: Oxygen Shortage Leaves Mexicans to Die at Home
February 9, 2021; Natalie Kitroeff and Oscar Lopez
A spike in demand for oxygen tanks is the defining feature of Mexico's current Coronavirus wave.

With COVID-19 pandemic, Cuba鈥檚 medical system faces its biggest test yet
February 8, 2021; Nora G谩mez Torres and Mario J. Pent贸n
A second wave of Coronavirus cases is pushing Cuba's medical system to the brink.

鈥業t feels like a placebo鈥: Mexico鈥檚 vaccine program sees disastrous launch
February 7, 2021; David Agren
Mexico's bumpy vaccine distribution is once again fueling accusations of government mismanagement of the pandemic.

Am茅rica Latina en el limbo de la vacunaci贸n global
February 3, 2021; Agus Morales
Facing global inequities in vaccine distribution, the region's middle income countries are in a no man's land: too poor to purchase large quantities of vaccines but too rich to qualify for donation schemes.

驴C贸mo ser谩 la vacunaci贸n en zonas rurales?
February 1, 2021; Juan David Naranjo Navarro
Colombia鈥檚 vaccination plan is notably silent on when and how rural Colombians will be vaccinated, which will involve several logistical challenges.

The Mental Health of Latinx Adults in the United During the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Snapshot of Anxiety, Depression, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms
January 2021; Bianca T. Villalobos and Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez
An under-examined aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic is its mental health consequences for vulnerable populations; survey data demonstrates a substantial increase in psychological risk factors among Latinx populations in the United States.

Crushing costs of Covid care leave grieving Mexican families facing ruin
January 31, 2021; Analy Nu帽o
COVID-19 is one of the most expensive illnesses to treat in Mexico, leading to debt or bankruptcy for families caring for ill relatives.

Number of Latinos dying daily from Covid soars 1,000% in Los Angeles
January 30, 2021; Vivian Ho
Unsafe working conditions and ineffective state responses in California have caused Los Angeles鈥檚 Latino population faces a staggering increase in COVID mortality.

January 27, 2021; Terrence McCoy and Helo铆sa Traiano
The current humanitarian disaster in Manaus demonstrates how how poor government policy and public indifference combined to overwhelm public health infrastructure.

Skepticism and mistrust challenge COVID vaccine uptake for Latinos
January 25, 2021; Gabriel R. Sanchez and Juan M. Pe帽a
Survey data demonstrates significant skepticism towards the government vaccination effort among Latinos in the United States.

Los secretos gubernamentales
January 23, 2021; H茅ctor Riveros
The Colombian government鈥檚 progress securing contracts for COVID-19 vaccines lacks transparency.

Femicide in Guatemala: The Double Burden of COVID-19
January 19, 2021; Megan DeTura, Skevi Kambitis, and Valery Valdez Pinto
While Guatemalan women face challenges from both femicide and the pandemic, several current policies in the country's Coronavirus response could be used to improve the situation for women across the country.

Bolsonaro Talked Vaccines Down. Now Brazil has Too Few Doses.
January 18, 2021; Ernesto Londo帽o, Manuela Andreoni, and Let铆cia Casado
A poorly organized national vaccine campaign is the latest in the many political, epidemiological, and logistical difficulties stemming from Brazil's pandemic response.

La estrategia de vacunaci贸n contra COVID-19 en M茅xico es muy lenta. El gobierno debe apresurarla.
January 17, 2021; Lucina Melesio
The Mexican government's vaccination plan appears to follow poetical priorities rather than epidemiological ones.

El Salvador鈥檚 Payments for Faulty or Undelivered Masks Leaves Sprawling International Paper Trail
January 12, 2021; Jimmy Alvarado
The Salvadoran government, ignoring warnings by its own agencies, purchases millions of masks that were defective or were never delivered.

Cuba finds a partner to produce its COVID-19 vaccine: Iran
January 7, 2021; Nora G谩mez Torres
In an effort to work around U.S. sanctions, Cuba and Iran are partnering to develop a COVID-19 vaccine.

With Schools Reopening, Latin America Surveys the Damage
December 21, 2021; Mercedes Mateo-Berganza聽
An IADB study found evidence of massive learning loss among Latin American students, the worst of which was felt by girls and children in poverty.

A mass COVID grave in Peru has left families bereft 鈥 and fighting for reburial
December 4, 2021; Jason Beaubien
Bereaved families in Iquitos, Peru are pushing officials to exhume and identify bodies from a mass grave of over 400 people, remnants of a disastrous COVID wave in April 2020.

Building an Equitable Society in Colombia
November 2021; World Bank
The covid pandemic amplified wealth inequality in Colombia. The World Bank discusses potential redistributive policy reforms.

Latinos, COVID-19, and Social Belonging: Voices from the Community
November 16, 2021; Patricia Foxen
The pandemic generated interlocking hardships among Latinos in the U.S. between frontline labor, lack of access to services, and overt racism.

Venezuelans crossing into Colombia for coronavirus vaccines
November 13, 2021; Manuel Rueda
In light of healthcare shortfalls in Venezuela, thousands of Venezuelans are crossing the border into Colombia seeking covid vaccines.

Interview: How the Pandemic has Affected These Latinx Supporting Organizations and How You Can Help
October 22, 2021; ACLU Washington
The ACLU of Washington documents the impact of the pandemic on three different organizations serving Latinx populations.

COVID-19 pandemic: The impact on undocumented US families
October 21, 2021; Luz Maria Garcini, Cristina Abraham, Ciciya Abraham, and Vyas Sarabu聽
Given their limited access to healthcare, vaccines and health information, frontline-facing jobs and persistent fear and mistrust of the government, undocumented families in the U.S. have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

Countering COVID-19 misinformation in indigenous communities in Brazil
October 15, 2021; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
An article focusing on the efforts of Ro鈥檕tsitsina Juruna, UN Human Rights Senior Indigenous Fellow from Mato Grosso, western Brazil, to protect her community against the COVID pandemic, through information sharing and traditional medicines.

Children in Latin America and the Caribbean during the pandemic鈥攕etbacks and outcomes
September 14, 2021; Natalie Gil and Katherine Alva
The pandemic has seriously undercut access to education in the region, through closures, lack of internet access, and worsening health conditions.

鈥淭he real crisis has only begun鈥: Surviving the Virus in New York Migrant Neighborhoods
August 27, 2021; 脫scar Mart铆nez
In the worst-hit neighborhoods of Queens, predominantly Latino migrant communities struggle to rebuild.

Ocho grupos antivacunas difunden mentiras en el Per煤
August 25, 2021; Melina Ccoillo Sandoval
A movement led by conspiracy theorists and conservatives with international connections promotes vaccination misinformation in Peru.

鈥楬idden pandemic鈥: Peruvian children in crisis as carers die
August 16, 2021; Luke Taylor
Some 93,000 Peruvian children have lost a primary caregiver during the pandemic, creating a 鈥渉idden pandemic鈥 of trauma and poverty among Peruvian youth.

Masks are for sissies: the story of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers in Brazil during COVID-19
July 27, 2021; Yuriko Cowper-Smith, Yvonne Su, and Tyler Valiquette
Research at the only LGBTQI+ refugee center in Latin America illustrates the complex intersections between migration and sexual identities during the pandemic.

Brazil: Failure to Respond to Education Emergency
June 11, 2021; Human Rights Watch
The pandemic and government mismanagement have disrupted education for millions of children in Brazil.

How Green Empire Farms Failed to Stop One of New York鈥檚 Biggest COVID-19 Outbreaks
June 9, 2021; Cassidy Jensen
This chronicle of a COVID outbreak at a New York farm reflects the challenges facing Latinx migrant farmworkers during the pandemic.

Colombia鈥檚 Crisis Is a Warning
May 14, 2021; Bloomberg Editorial Board
The ongoing pandemic, economic challenges, and social tensions in Colombia could soon replicate across the region.

Brazil鈥檚 unexpected plan to vaccinate the homeless, prisoners and descendants of enslaved Africans first is coming undone
May 9, 2021; Terrence McCoy and Helo铆sa Traiano
The priority groups under Brazil's vaccination plan are struggling to access jabs.

In Dairy Country, a Network of Hmong and Latino Workers Fight Covid-19
May 4, 2021; Esther Honig
In Wisconsin, local activists are meeting the needs of marginalized Latino and Hmong agricultural workers, many of whom are undocumented.

Dibujando con el pincel del g茅nero el tel贸n de fondo de la violencia intrafamiliar en una comunidad ind铆gena ecuatoriana durante la pandemia del COVID 19.
April 2021; Olga Gloria Barb贸n P茅rez
This research examines perceptions of domestic violence in an Ecuadorean indigenous community during the pandemic.

Repercusi贸n del aislamiento social por COVID-19 en la salud mental en la poblaci贸n de Per煤: s铆ntomas en el discurso del ciberespacio.
April 2021; Marco Antonio Lov贸n Cueva and Aixa Daniela Chegne Cortez
This discourse analysis聽documents spikes in anxiety, stress, and depression among Peruvians on social media during pandemic-induced lockdowns.

Socioeconomic status determines COVID-19 incidence and related mortality in Santiago, Chile
April 27, 2021; Gonzalo E. Mena, Pamela P. Martinez, Ayesha S. Mahmud, Pablo A. Marquet, Caroline O. Buckee, and Mauricio Santillana
Analysis of health data reveals how socioeconomic status can influence COVID-19 outcomes.

Coronavirus: el Gobierno destinar谩 m谩s de 70.000 vacunas para referentes sociales que trabajan en comedores
April 24, 2021; In茅s Beato Vassolo and Paula Rossi
The Argentine government will prioritize vaccine delivery to soup kitchen workers, recognizing their crucial role in local communities.

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Prison Policy in Latin America
April 14, 2021; Mar铆a Luisa Romero, Luisa Stalman, and Azul Hidalgo Sol谩
This report offers an overview of changes in Latin American prison policy during the pandemic and policy recommendations focusing on the link between prisons and public health and the need to improve human rights conditions.

Analizar谩n incidencia del Covid-19 en poblaci贸n ind铆gena y afrodescendiente en Chile
April 13, 2021; Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica de Chile
An ongoing study analyzes the pandemic's impacts on Indigenous and Afro-Chileans, including community-based survival strategies.

鈥楾ragic combination鈥: Millions go hungry amid Brazil COVID crisis
April 11, 2021; Sam Cowie
More than half of all Brazilians have struggled with hunger at some point during the pandemic, with the poor suffering the most.

Organized Real Estate Fraud Rings Threaten Property Owners in Costa Rica
April 6, 2021; Katya Bleszynska
Costa Rica has seen a surge in criminal groups defrauding property owners who cannot reach their properties due to pandemic restrictions.

A Mexican tragedy: country's crippling Covid crisis comes into sharp focus
April 3, 2021; Analy Nu帽o and Tom Phillips
While generating fewer headlines than the U.S. or Brazil, Mexico has been battered by the pandemic.

Acting Now to Protect the Human Capital of Our Children: The Costs of and Response to COVID-19 Pandemic鈥檚 Impact on the Education Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
March 2021; World Bank
Over 170 million students have been impacted by school closures in Latin America and the Caribbean, posing potentially catastrophic educational and societal impacts for the region.

The impact of COVID-19 on indigenous peoples in Latin America (Abya Yala): Between invisibility and collective resistance
March 2021; UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
This report provides an overview of the specific vulnerabilities indigenous peoples face due to the pandemic, state responses, and actions taken by indigenous communities.

'Fuera garimpos, fuera Covid-19': Los pueblos yanomamis se defienden
March 26, 2021; Maur铆cio Ye鈥檏wana
The impact of COVID-19 on the Yanomami people is the latest battle between the Indigenous group and Brazilian economic and political interests intent on mining in their ancestral lands.

Las nefastas consecuencias de no cerrar las aulas durante la pandemia en Nicaragua
March 25, 2021; Francisco Javier Sancho M谩s
A year into the pandemic, the Nicaraguan government's decision to not close schools or transition to online study places students, teachers, and parents in a precarious situation.

Latin America Sees Rise in Vaccine-related Crimes
March 11, 2021; Shane Sullivan
The high demand for COVID vaccines is leading to a surge in crime across the region, including scams and fake or stolen vaccines.

Organizaci贸n mata indiferencia. La experiencia travesti, trans y no binaria en pandemia
March 3, 2021; Betiana C谩ceres, Vanina Escales, Mar铆a Here帽煤, Cynthia Palacios Reckziegel, Quimey Ramos, V铆ctor Manuel Rodr铆guez, and Luisa Stegmann
These snapshots of daily life examines how trans and non-binary people in Argentina are creating innovative, autonomous responses to the isolation, insecurity, and housing crisis they face during the pandemic.

Rolling back social and environmental safeguards: Global Report
February 2021; Forest People鈥檚 Program
Governments are using COVID as an opportunity to roll back environmental and social protections across the Amazon in Peru, Colombia, and Brazil.

Tourists are welcome in Oaxaca, Mexico. Their increasingly bad behavior is not.
February 26, 2021; Natalie B. Compton
Tourists traveling to Mexico routinely flout mask-wearing and other pandemic policies, putting locals at greater risk.

Un nuevo reto feminista: revolucionar los trabajos de cuidados
February 24, 2021; Jordana Timerman
The pandemic presents an opportunity to confront the inequities of unpaid care work and its particular toll on poor women.

Covid-19 takes the life of the last male from Brazil鈥檚 indigenous Juma tribe
February 22, 2021; Naiara Galarraga Gort谩zar
The recent death of a tribal elder illustrates the devastating impact of President Bolsonaro's poor pandemic response and dismissive attitude towards Indigenous communities.

COVID rumours hamper Brazil鈥檚 efforts to vaccinate Indigenous
February 18, 2021; Charlotte Peet
Rampant disinformation - including comments by leading government and religious figures - are undermining vaccination efforts among Brazil's Indigenous communities.

At Rio鈥檚 Carnival, Vaccine Jabs Are In, Glitter and Samba Out
February 16, 2021; Ernesto Londo帽o
Rio de Janeiro's streets are quiet as Brazil's most famous Carnival is canceled due to the pandemic.

Fostering Cooperative Resilience during the COVID19 Pandemic
January 2021; Cecilia Widman
This research project examines how Honduran coffee cooperatives have contributed to local resilience during the pandemic through information sharing and contributions to local health efforts.

Qu茅 hacer con los 鈥渏贸venes irresponsables鈥
January 2021; Jos茅 Natanson
Argentina's "adult-centric" pandemic response ignores the needs of children and young people.

Virus-proof: COVID19, Crime, and Lethal Conflict in Mexico
January 28, 2021; Falko Ernst
The Mexican government's limited capacity to address both the pandemic and criminal organizations is encouraging the latter to expand their territorial reach, setting off new rounds of conflict.

Latin America鈥檚 Schools Are Flunking Covid
January 25, 2021; Mac Margolis
The pandemic has severely impacted the region's education systems, with profound short and long term consequences for students and the economy.

En Choc贸, el covid deja sin aire a los medios
January 22, 2021; Nicole Bravo
The pandemic has deepened the struggles of local media outlets, especially in poor regions such as Choc贸 in rural Colombia which lack consistent access to high-quality journalism.

Liquid Gold 鈥 False COVID-19 Vaccines Emerge in Latin America
January 18, 2021; Shane Sullivan
Organized criminal groups are seeking to profit from the pandemic through a variety of scams, from fake vaccines to fake test results.

COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Social Distancing Practice in Latin America
January 12, 2021; Jessica Alicea-Planas, Jennifer M. Trudeau, and William F. V谩squez Mazariegos
An analysis of survey data from across Latin America demonstrates that one's聽household income and assessment of personal risk to COVID-19 impact the decision to comply with social distancing regulations.

Covid sleuth shames Brazil's party people as deaths pass 200,000
January 10, 2021; Tom Phillips
As Brazil's Coronavirus death toll passes another grim milestone, an anonymous journalist is shaming those who party or gather without masks.

Fleeing Lockdown, Americans Are Flocking to Mexico City
January 2, 2021; Oscar Lopez
Some Americans are avoiding lockdown restrictions by relocating to Mexico, underlining the government's relatively light pandemic response.


Extending prior CLALS-sponsored research on Latino entrepreneurship in the DC-metro region, the Center developed a survey of area Latino owned businesses in collaboration with 麻豆原创鈥檚 Kogod School of Business and the聽Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Our report on the survey results offers a snapshot of the diverse and extraordinary impacts facing Latino businesses owners, which include substantial losses of revenue and customers, and major disruptions such as closures and layoffs. It intends to help community assistance organizations and decision-makers identify specific policies and programs to support Latino-owned businesses during and after the pandemic.聽Our hope is that such research will both illuminate the impact of this shock on the region鈥檚 Latino community and inform policy responses by local, state, federal, and non-profit agencies. Read additional coverage on the report and survey.

The Center has published another report investigating the pandemic's impacts on Latino-owned businesses. This report analyzes all financial assistance programs available to DC area Latino businesses at the federal, state, and city or county levels; describe steps taken to promote awareness of and facilitate access to these resources, including efforts targeting Latino business owners; and identifies gaps between the needs of Latino businesses, the types of available financial assistance, and the ability of Latino business owners to access these resources. The results of this study will form the basis of the 2021 Latino Public Affairs Forum. The Forum will convene a range of experts to consider the problems raised by this research, and implications for decision-makers, as our region moves into the phase of post-pandemic recovery.

This ongoing project by Ximena Varela, Director of the Arts Management Program, is a collection of stories and reactions from artists facing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Artists are welcome to share their stories.

Este proyecto de Ximena Varela, Directora del Programa de Gesti贸n Cultural, es una colecci贸n de historias y reacciones de artistas que se enfrentan a los impactos de la pandemia COVID-19. Los artistas est谩n invitados a compartir sus historias.

As part of the Center's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, CLALS developed a survey to gather information on the impact of the pandemic, and responses to it, from universities throughout the region. The survey results indicate that COVID-19 has caused significant disruptions for higher education across the region and exacerbated underlying inequalities and obstacles to educational attainment. Further, the pandemic's implications for the university sector have yet to be fully realized and present serious challenges in the region.

The survey report,聽available聽in English and Spanish, covers a variety of topics, including the transition to online classes and teleworking, financial implications, and student resources on campus. The survey was also cited by The Economist and The New York Times.

CLALS is currently engaged in analyzing results from a second survey fielded during the Fall of 2020. This survey aims to understand the ongoing challenges facing higher education institutions across Latin America. A report on the survey findings is forthcoming.

The Center hosted a forum exploring the effects of COVID-19 on health inequities and other structural disparities for Latino communities across the Washington, DC metro area. Attendees and discussants included academics and stakeholders from area health care organizations, with contributions from CAS Associate Professor Michael Bader, WCL Professor of Law , and SIS Associate Professor Nina Yamanis.

Watch a recording of the forum.

Additional Research & Archive
View research from 麻豆原创 and other research institutions, as well as an archive of past analyses.