You are here: 麻豆原创 College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Ximena Varela

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Photograph of Ximena Varela

Ximena Varela Associate Professor Performing Arts

Additional Positions at 麻豆原创
ABD in Comparative Politics, Temple University
MS in Arts Administration from Drexel University
Licenciate in Business, Universidad Catolica del Uruguay (UCUDAL)
TESOL Certification, Dickens Institute, Montevideo, Uruguay

Languages Spoken
English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Favorite Spot on Campus
Woods-Brown Amphitheatre
Ximena Varela is a researcher, educator, and consultant with more than 25 years of experience in arts management curricular design (both on campus and online), museum management, international cultural policy, management practice, marketing strategy, arts management research, and culturally sustainable development. A skilled negotiator and facilitator, she has worked with and advised international organizations, national and regional governments, city agencies, as well as private and nonprofit organizations in arts funding and arts policy. She has published, lectured and taught extensively in the United States, Latin America, Europe and China. She has served as President of the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) and is currently on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Sociomuseology. She was a board member of the Latin American Institute of Museums from 2000 to 2021. Formerly, Prof. Varela served on the boards of the Bach Sinfonia, Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, and the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Arts Management.

A champion of inclusive practice and diverse leadership in arts organizations, Prof. Varela has served as the Faculty Chair for the President鈥檚 Council on Diversity and Inclusion, and the 2018 winner of the College of Arts and Science鈥檚 Dean鈥檚 Award for "Outstanding Contributions to an Inclusive Community."

Prof. Varela is a former Fulbright and Organization of American States (OAS) fellowship recipient, and was honored with a Doctor Honoris Causa degree in 2021 by the Moore College of Arts and Design, the oldest women's art and design college in the United States, for her contributions to the field of arts management.

She holds an MA in Arts Management for Drexel University, has course PhD studies in Comparative Politics from Temple University, two undergraduate degrees in Business and Finance from the Catholic University of Uruguay, and is a certified Teacher of English to Students of Other Languages. Ximena teaches courses in Museum Management, Marketing the Arts, International Cultural Management, Art and the City, Research Methods, and is Chair for the Arts Management theses.

Ximena Varela es una investigadora, educadora y consultora con m谩s de 25 a帽os de experiencia en dise帽o curricular de gesti贸n de las artes (tanto en el campus como en l铆nea), gesti贸n de museos, pol铆tica cultural internacional, pr谩ctica de gesti贸n, estrategia de marketing, investigaci贸n en gesti贸n de las artes y desarrollo culturalmente sostenible. desarrollo. Ha trabajado y asesorado a organizaciones internacionales, gobiernos nacionales y regionales, agencias municipales, as铆 como a organizaciones privadas y sin fines de lucro en materia de financiamiento y pol铆ticas art铆sticas. Ha hecho publicaciones, dado ponencias, y ense帽ado extensamente en los Estados Unidos, Am茅rica Latina, Europa y China. Se ha desempe帽ado como Presidenta de la Asociaci贸n de Educadores en Administraci贸n de las Artes (AAAE) y actualmente forma parte del Consejo Editorial de la Revista de Sociomuseolog铆a. Fue miembro de la junta del Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos de 2000 a 2021. Anteriormente, la profesora Varela form贸 parte de las juntas de Bach Sinfonia, Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, y la Junta Editorial de American Journal of Arts Management.

Una l铆der de la pr谩ctica inclusiva y el liderazgo diverso en las organizaciones art铆sticas, la profesora Varela se ha desempe帽ado como presidenta del Profesorado para el Consejo del Presidente sobre Diversidad e Inclusi贸n, y ganadora en el 2018 del Premio del Decano de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias por "Contribuciones sobresalientes a una cultura inclusiva".

La Prof. Varela es ex becaria de Fulbright y de la Organizaci贸n de Estados Americanos (OEA). En 2021 recibi贸 un Doctorado Honoris Causa del Moore College of Arts and Design, la universidad de arte y dise帽o para mujeres m谩s antigua de los Estados Unidos, por sus contribuciones al campo de gesti贸n cultural.

Tiene una Maestr铆a en Gesti贸n de las Artes de la Universidad de Drexel, cursos de estudios de doctorado en Pol铆tica Comparada de la Universidad de Temple, dos t铆tulos de pregrado en Negocios y Finanzas de la Universidad Cat贸lica de Uruguay, y es una profesora diplomada de ingl茅s para estudiantes de otros idiomas. Imparte cursos en Gesti贸n de Museos, Marketing de las Artes, Gesti贸n Cultural Internacional, Arte y Ciudad, M茅todos de Investigaci贸n y es directora de tesis de Gesti贸n de las Artes.
See Also
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call 麻豆原创 Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Spring 2024

  • AMGT-680 Cultural Policy and the Arts

Summer 2024

  • AMGT-477 Museum Management

Fall 2024

  • AMGT-671 Marketing the Arts

  • AMGT-701 Discovery/Decision Mkg in Arts