Recent Publications

Davidson, T. L., Jones, S., Roy, M., & Stevenson, R. J. (2019). The Cognitive Control of Eating and Body Weight: It's More Than What You "Think". Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 62.

Clasen, M. M., Sanon, T. V., Hempel, B.J., Nelson, K.H., Kearns, D.N., Davidson, T.L., & Riley, A.L. (2019) Ad-libitum high fat diet consumption during adolescence and adulthood increases the intravenous self-administration of cocaine in male Sprague-Dawley rats.聽Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology,聽Apr. 18 [Epub ahead of print].

Jones, S., Sample, C.H., Davidson, T.L. (2018). The effects of a GLP-1 analogue liraglutide on reward value and the learned inhibition of appetitive behavior in male and female rats.聽International Journal of Obesity, 43(9):1875-1879.

Jones, S., Sample C.H., Davidson, T.L. (2018). Associative mechanisms underlying the function of satiety cues in the control of energy intake and appetitive behavior. Physiology & Behavior, 192, 37-49.

Sample, C.H. & Davidson, T.L. (2018). Considering sex differences in the cognitive controls of feeding. Physiology & Behavior, 187, 97-107.

Sample C.H., Jones, S., Dwider, F., Davidson, T.L. (2018). Discriminative control by deprivation states and external cues in male and female rats. Physiology & Behavior, 184, 91-99.

Davidson, T.L., Hargrave, S.L., Kearns, D.N., Clasen, M.M., Jones, S., Wakefield, A.G.P., Sample, C.H., Riley, A.L. (2018). Cocaine impairs serial-feature negative learning and blood-brain barrier integrity. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 170, 56-63.

Riley, A.L., Kearns, D.N., Hargrave, S.L., Davidson, T.L. (2017). Cocaine increases permeability of blood-brain-barrier in the hippocampus and striatum: Implications for drug use and abuse. Drugs and Alcohol, 171, e177.

Martin, A.A., Davidson, T.L., McCrory, M.A. (2017). Deficits in episodic memory are related to uncontrolled eating in a sample of healthy adults. Appetite, 124, 33-42.

Sample, C.H., Jones, S., Hargrave, S.L., Davidson, T.L. (2016). Western diet and the weakening of the interoceptive stimulus control of appetite behavior. Behavioral Brain Research, 312, 219-230.

Hargrave, S.L., Davidson, T.L., Zheng, W. & Kinzig, K,P. (2016). Western diets Induce blood-brain barrier leakage and alter spatial strategies in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 130, 123-135.

Hargrave, S.L., Jones, S. & Davidson, T.L. (2016). The Outward Spiral: A vicious cycle model of obesity and cognitive dysfunction. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 9, 40-46.

Martin, A.A., Hargrave, S.L., & Davidson, T.L. (2016). Childhood obesity: Implications for neurocognitive functioning. In M. Goran (Ed.) Childhood Obesity: Causes, Consequences and Intervention Approaches, Taylor & Francis.

Maclean, P. Wing, R.R., Loria, C., Davidson, T.L., Epstein, L., Goodpaster, B., Hall, K., Levin, B.,Perri, M.G., Rolls, B.J., Rosenbaum, M., Rothman, A.J., Ryan, D. Working Group conveners Agurs-Collins, T., Czajkowski, S., Hunter, C., Yanovski, S. (2015). NIH Working Group Report: Innovative Research to Improve Maintenance of Weight Loss, Obesity, 23: 7-15.

Hargrave, S.L., Davidson, T.L., Lee, T-J., & Kinzig, K.P. (2015). Brain and behavioral perturbations in rats following western diet access. Appetite, 93: 35-43.

Sample, C.H., Martin, A.A., Jones, S.L., Hargrave, S.L., & Davidson, T.L. (2015), Western-style diet impairs stimulus control by food deprivation state cues: Implications for obesogenic environments. Appetite, 93: 13-23.

Davidson, T L. & Boutelle, K.N. (2015). Special issue of Appetite: The proceedings of the 麻豆原创 Symposium on Childhood Obesity and Cognition. Appetite, 93, 1-2.

Davidson, T.L. & Riley, A.L. (2015). The history and legacy of conditioned taste aversion. American Scientist, 103: 204-209.

Davidson T. L., Sample, C.H., & Kanoski, S. (2015). Western diet and cognitive impairment. Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline. Martin C, Preedy V (eds.) Academic Press, Elsevier, Inc. San Diego.

Davidson, T.L., Sample, C.H., & Swithers, S.E. (2014). An application of Pavlovian principles to the problems of obesity and cognitive decline. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 108, 172-184.

Grayson, B., Fitzgerald, M. Hakala-Finch, A. Ferris, V., Begg, D. Tong, J., Woods, S., Seeley, R., Davidson, T. Benoit, S. (2014). Improvements in hippocampal-dependent memory and microglial-infiltration with calorie restriction and gastric bypass surgery but not with vertical sleeve gastrectomy. International Journal of Obesity, 38, 349-56.

Davidson,T. L., Martin, A. A. (2014). Obesity: Cognitive impairment and the failure to 'eat right'. Current Biology , 4, R685-7.

Martin, A. A. & Davidson, T.L. (2014). Human cognitive function and the obesogenic environment. Physiology and Behavior, 136,185-93.

Maclean, P. Wing, R.R., Loria, C., Davidson, T.L., Epstein, L., Goodpaster, B., Hall, K., Levin, B.,Perri, M.G., Rolls, B.J., Rosenbaum, M., Rothman, A.J., Ryan, D. Working Group conveners Agurs-Collins, T., Czajkowski, S., Hunter, C., Yanovski, S. (2014). NIH Working Group Report: Innovative Research to Improve Maintenance of Weight Loss. Obesity, in press.

Davidson, T.L. & Riley, A.L. (2014). The history and legacy of conditioned taste aversion. American Scientist, in press.

Davidson, T.L. (2014). Do impaired memory and body weight regulation originate in childhood with diet- induced hippocampal dysfunction? , in press. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in press.

Davidson, T.L., Tracy, A.L., Schier, L.A., & Swithers, S.E. (2014). Obesity as a learning and memory disorder. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 40: 261-79.

Davidson, T.L., Hargrave, S.L., Swithers, S.E., Sample, C.H., Fu, X., Kinzig, K.P. & Zheng, W. (2013). Inter-relationships among diet, obesity, and hippocampal-dependent cognitive function. Neuroscience, 3, 110-22.

Davidson, T.L., Sample, C.H., & Swithers, S.E. (2013). An application of Pavlovian principles to the problems of obesity and cognitive decline. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 108, 172-184.

Behl, M., Rao, D., Aagaard,K., Davidson, T.L, Levin, E.D., Slotkin, T. A., Srinivasan,S. Wallinga, D., White, M. F., Walker, V. R., Thayer, K.A., Holloway, A. C. (2013). Evaluation of the Association between Maternal Smoking, Childhood Obesity, and Metabolic Disorders: A National Toxicology Program Workshop Review. Environmental Health Perspectives, 121, 170-180.

Swithers, S.E., Sample, C.H., Davidson, T.L. (2013). Adverse effects of high-intensity sweeteners on energy intake and weight control in male and obesity-prone female rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 127, 262-274.

Jarrard, L.E., Luu, L. P., Davidson, T. L., (2012). A study of hippocampal structure-function relations along the septo-temporal axis. Hippocampus, 22, 680-692.

Swithers, S.E. Laboy, A.F., Clark, K., Cooper, S., Davidson, T.L. (2012). Experience with the high-intensity sweetener saccharin impairs glucose homeostasis and GLP-1 release in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 233, 1-14.

Schier, L. A., Davidson, T. L., Powley, T. L. (2012) Ongoing ingestive behavior is rapidly suppressed by a preabsorptive, intestinal "bitter taste" cue. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 301, R1557-R1568 .

Schier, L. A., Davidson, T. L., Powley, T. L. (2012). Rapid stimulus-bound suppression of intake in response to an intraduodenal non-nutritive sweetener after training with nutritive sugars predicting malaise. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 302, R1351-R1363 .

Davidson, T.L., Monnot, A. Neal, A.U., Martin, A. A., Horton, J. J., Zheng, W. (2012). The effects of a high-energy diet on hippocampal-dependent discrimination performance and blood-brain barrier integrity differ for diet-induced obese and diet-resistant rats. Physiology and Behavior,107, 26-33.

Swithers, S.E., Ogden, S. B, Laboy, A. F., Davidson, T.L. (2012). Saccharin pre-exposure enhances appetitive flavor learning in pre-weanling rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 54, 818-824.

Davidson, T. L., Martin, A.A., Clark, K., & Swithers, S. E. (2011). Intake of high-intensity sweeteners alters the ability of sweet taste to signal caloric consequences: implications for the learned control of energy and body weight regulation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 1430-1441.

Kanoski, S.E., & Davidson, (2011). Western diet consumption and cognitive impairment: links to hippocampal dysfunction and obesity. Physiology & Behavior,103, 59-68.

Swithers, S.E., Ogden, S.B., Davidson, T.L. (2011) Fat substitutes promote weight gain in rats consuming high-fat diets. Behavioral Neuroscience, 125, 512-518.

Read聽Terry Davidson's recent publications.

Selected Talks and Colloquia

Davidson, T.L. (June 2019). A Role for Memory in the Explanation of Motivated Appetitive Behavior. 聽Benjamin Franklin Lafayette Seminar Series, Frejus, France.

Davidson, T.L. (February 2019). Memory Mechanisms Linking Obesity to Cognitive Decline. Colloquium, Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Davidson, T.L. (November 2018). H.M.鈥檚 other legacy: The hippocampus as a substrate for energy intake and body weight regulation. Psychology Departmental Colloquium, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Davidson, T.L. (November 2018). Diet, Obesity, and the Hippocampus. Colloquium, Medical Sciences Faculty. University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Davidson, T.L. (April 2018). Obesogenic diets and the hippocampal-dependent control of energy intake. Celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of California at Irvine, Huntington Beach, CA.

Davidson, T.L. Hippocampal-dependent cognitive function: A critical component of energy regulation. Swiss Winter Conference on Ingestive Behavior. St. Moritz, Switzerland, February 2017.

Davidson, T.L. Intersections of Metabolic and Neurocognitive Functioning. Plenary address: 22nd Annual Diabetes Fall Symposium for Primary Health Care Professionals, North Charleston, SC, September 2016.

Davidson, T.L. (June 2016). The Influence of Diet and Learning on the Internal versus External Controls of Intake. Invited colloquium, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, Budapest, Hungary.

Davidson, T.L. (June 2016). A View of Obesity as a Learning and Memory Disorder. Invited Symposium: Cognitive Controls of Eating and Body Weight. Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, LA.

Jones, S. & Davidson, T.L. (April 2016). The Integration of External and Internal Cues in Energy and Body Weight Regulation. Robyn Rafferty Mathias Student Research Conference, 麻豆原创, Washington, DC.

Davidson, T. L. (March 2016) Links between Obesity and Cognitive Function across the lifespan. Presidential Address, Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Jones, S., Sample, Olson, A., Hargrave, S.L., & Davidson, T.L. (March 2016). Interoceptive Cues on Learned Modulators in the Control of Energy Release. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Sample, C.H., Jones, S., Batra, S., Olson, A., Hargrave, S.L. & Davidson, T.L. (March 2016). Considering Sex in Extrernality: Appetitive Control by Energy States and External Cues. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Sample, C. H., Mak, J., MacIver, P., Jarrard, L., & Davidson, T. L. (November 15, 2014). Externalilty in obesity: A hippocampal-dependent phenomenon at Neuroscience 2014.

Hargrave,S. L., Davidson, T.L., Zheng, W., Kinzig, K.P. (November 15, 2014). Consumption of high-energy diets induces cognitive impairment, neuroinflammation, and neurovascular damage at Neuroscience 2014

Davidson, T. L. (November 11, 2014). Effects of a Western-style Diet on Cognition and the Animal Brain at The Nutrition and Exercise Science Seminar Series, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Davidson, T. L. (September 4, 2014). Dietary Threats to Brain Health and Cognitive Function. Invited colloquium as part of the International Nutribrain Summer School at the University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.

Davidson, T. L. (August 3-6, 2014). Eat right and exercise: Why can't we follow this good advice? As chair -- Symposium at the annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Davidson, T. L. (April 17, 2014). The Toxic Effects of the Western Diet on the Brain and Cognition. Psi Chi Honor Society McDaniel College Westminster, MD.

Davidson, T. L. (April 2014). Common Origins and Substrates for Obesity and Cognitive Dysfunction. Integrative Neuroscience Program Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY.

Davidson, T. L. (October 2013). Why do we Overeat and Become Obese? It Could be What We Think? Colloquium, Neuroscience Program, St. Mary's College, St. Mary's MD.

Davidson, T. L. (August 2013). What Makes the "Obesogenic" Environment "Obesogenic"? Invited Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, New Orleans, LA.

Davidson, T. L. (February, 2013). A Pavlovian Perspective on the Problem of Obesity. Keynote address at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Davidson, T. L., (August, 2012). A Vicious-Cycle of Obesity and Cognitive Decline. Invited Symposium presentation at the annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.

Davidson, T. L., (August, 2011). Conditioned modulation and Energy Regulation. Conference in Celebration of 50 Years of Research by Robert A. Rescorla, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Davidson, T. L., (January, 2011). Bi-directional Links Between Obesity and Learning and Memory Dysfunction. Keynote address, Winter Conference on Animal Learning and Behavior, Winter Park, CO.

Davidson, T. L. (October, 2010). A "Vicious-cycle" Model of Obesity and Cognitive Decline. Hispanic Health Research Seminar series, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Texas, Brownsville TX, and Regional Campus of the School of Public Health, UTHSC, Houston TX.

Davidson, T. L. (April, 2010). To Eat or not to Eat: A Case of Predictable Ambiguity. Festscrift in honor of Stephen C. Woods, Neuroscience Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH.

Davidson, T. L. (November, 2009). Learning and Energy Regulation: "Outwitting" the Wisdom of the Body. The John B. Pierce Laboratory Seminar Series, Yale University, New Haven CT.