Research Training

In the Clinical Psychology Program at Â鶹ԭ´´, research training is based on a mentorship model. Students are admitted to a specific core faculty member's lab, and that faculty member then serves as the student's advisor for the duration of his or her graduate training. Students often develop working relationships with the other student members of their labÌý— collaborating on projects, receiving advice from older students, and sharing experience and advice with younger students. Format of research supervision varies from advisor to advisor, but all mentors meet regularly with their students.

Per program requirements, all clinical students must complete coursework in psychological research and statistics as well as a master's thesis project and a doctoral dissertation, which must be defended orally to the projects' committees. Students present their master's thesis proposals to core faculty and the other clinical students at a "celebration of research" event at the end of their first year.
Many students exceed program research requirements by publishing in peer-reviewed journals and becoming active in professional organizations (such as the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the American Evaluation Association, the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, etc.). They routinely attend and present their research findings at conferences.

Recent Student Publications

List of Publications of Core Faculty in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program


(in alphabetical order)

Anagnostopoulos, V. & Carter, M.M. (2019). Self-report versus informant responses: Exploring the relationship between excessive reassurance seeking and depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38, 1-27.

Carlson, E. J., Malloy, E. J., Brauer, L., Golomb, R. G., Grant, J. E., Mansueto, C. S., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2021). Comprehensive behavioral (ComB) treatment of trichotillomania: A randomized clinical trial. Behavior Therapy, 52, 1543-1557.


Carnahan, N., Carter, M.,ÌýHerr, N. R.Ìý(2020). Perpetuating factors of social anxiety: a serial mediation model,ÌýBehavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 48, 304-314.


Carnahan, N.D., Carter, M.M., and Sbrocco, T. (2021). Intolerance of uncertainty, looming cognitive style, and avoidant coping as predictors of anxiety and depression during COVID-19: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy.

Carter, M.M., Sbrocco, T., Alexander, T., Tang, D., & Carter, C.G. (2019). Implicit Association Task and perception of Homosexuality: Differences Between African American and Non-Hispanic Caucasian Homosexual Males. Journal of Homosexuality, 1-23. 10.1080/00918369.2019.1585728.

De Simone Irace, C.,ÌýCaporino, N.E., & McQuarrie, S. (2020).ÌýÌýConfirmatory factor analysis of the Caregiver Responses to Youth Media Exposure (CRYME).ÌýÌýPsychology of Violence,Ìý10(6), 648–656.Ìý


Farrow, V., Ahrens, A., Gunthert, K., & Schulkin, J. (2019). Women’s healthcare providers: Work factors, personality, and stress. Social Behavior and Personality, 47, 1-11.


Flannery, M. K., Coyne, A. F., Carlson, E. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (in press). Extended follow-up of a comprehensive behavioral (ComB) treatment sample during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.


Friedman-Wheeler, D. Litovsky, A., Prince, K., Webbert, J., Werkeiser, A. Carlson, E. Hoffman, C. Levy, K., Scherer, A., & Gunthert, K. (2019). Do mood-regulation expectancies for coping strategies predict their use? A daily diary study. International Journal of Stress Management, 26, 287.

Haaga, D. A. F., & Kaufmann, A. (2021). Desirable difficulty and attitudes toward research among psychology undergraduates. College Teaching, 69, 9-11.


Haaga, D. A. F., Kaufmann, A., & Malloy, E. J. (2020). Looming vulnerability and smoking cessation attempts. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22, 1439-1445.


Jones, K.M., Carter, M.M., Bianchi, A.L., Zeglin, R.J., & Schulkin, J. (2020). Obstetrician-Gynecologist and Patient Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Clinical Setting. Women and Health. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2020.1784368

Kacmarek, C. N., Yates, B. T., Nich, C., & Kiluk, B. D. (2021). A pilot economic evaluation of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder as an addition and alternative to traditional therapy. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45(5), 1109-1121.


Kaufmann, A., Malloy, E. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2020). Examining outcome expectancies for smoking vs. abstinence among adult daily smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 102, article 106140, 1-8.


McCutchan, P., Yates, B. T., Jobes, D. A., Kerbrat, A. H., & Comtois, K. A. (in press). Costs, benefits, and cost-benefit of collaborative assessment and management of suicidality versus enhanced treatment as usual. PLOS ONE. PONE-D-21-12016R1


Raglan, G.B., Schulkin, J., Juliano, L.M., Micks, E.A. (2020). Obstetrician-gynecologists’ screening and management of depression during perimenopause.ÌýMenopause, 27(4) 393-397.


Rothschild, L. B., Ratto, A. B., Kenworthy, L., Hardy, K. K., Verbalis, A., Pugliese, C., Strang, J. F., Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Anthony, B. J., Anthony, L. G., Guter, M. M., & Haaga, D. A. F. (in press). Parents matter: Parent acceptance of school-based executive functions interventions relates to improved child outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology.


Rubin, L., Haaga, D., Pearson, J., & Gunthert, K. (2020). Depression as a moderator of the prospective relationship between mood and smoking. Health Psychology, 39, 99-106.


Taouk, L., Gunthert, K., & Schulkin. (2021). The moderating effect of stress mindsets on associations between stress during pregnancy and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping.


Wasil, A. R., Kacmarek, C. N., Osborne, T. L., Palermo, E., DeRubies, R. J., Weiss, J. R., & Yates, B. T. (2021). Economic evaluation of an online single-session intervention for depression in Kenyan adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 89(9), 657-667. 97.



Carlin, E., & Ahrens, A. H. (2014). The effects of mindfulness and fear-inducing stimuli on avoidance behavior. Mindfulness, 5, 276-281.

Stoeckel, M., Weissbrod, C., & Ahrens, A. H. (2015). The adolescent response to parental illness: The influence of dispositional gratitude. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 1501-1509.

Skalina, L. M., Gunthert, K. C., Ahrens, A. H., & Wenze, S. J. (2015). Neuroticism and momentary differentiation of positive and negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 165-169.

Chue, A. E., Gunthert, K. C., Ahrens, A. H., & Skalina, L. M. (in press). How does social anger expression predict later depression symptoms? It depends on how often one is angry. Emotion.

Parker, S. C., Majid H., Stewart, K. L., & Ahrens, A. H. (in press). No thanks! Autonomous personal style is associated with less experience and valuing of gratitude. Cognition and Emotion.

Stewart, K. L., Ahrens, A. H., & Gunthert, K. C. (under revision). Relating to self and other: Mindfulness predicts compassionate and self-image relationship goals.

Bianchi, K. & Carter, M.M. (2012).An Experimental Analysis of Disgust Sensitivity and Fear of Contagion in Spider and Blood Injection Injury Phobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 753-761 .

Kohlstedt, S.S., Weissbrod, C.S., Colangelo, A.M., & Carter, M.M. (2013). Psychological factors influencing exercise adherence among females. Psychology, 4, 917-923.

Jones, K. M., Carter, M. M., & Schulkin, J. (2015). Racial and ethnic disparities in cardiovascular disease: An assessment of obstetrician/gynecologists' knowledge, attitudes, and practice patterns. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 2:256-266; DOI 10.1007/s40615-015-0088-9

Bruns, G.L., &. Carter, M.M. (2015). Ethnic Differences in the Effects of Media on Body Image: The Effects of Priming with Ethnically Different or Similar Models. Eating Behaviors, 17, 33-36 .

Condit, C.S., Carter, M., Tang, D., & Rothstein, L.A. (2015). Cultural validity and the measurement of social anxiety: Asian American groups are not psychometrically equivalent. Journal of Depression and Anxiety, 4, 174-182.

Anagnostopoulos, V., Carter, M.M., & Weissbrod, C. (2015). Pre-Competition Anxiety and Self-Confidence in Collegiate Track and Field Athletes: A Comparison between African American and non-Hispanic Caucasian Men and Women. The Sport Journal.

Rothstein, L.A., Covington, A.M., & Carter, M.M. (2015). Implicit Associations in Blood-Injection-Injury Phobia: Changes after Exposure to a Disgust-Eliciting Stimulus. Clinical and Experimental Psychology, 1, 1-5 .

Duran, E.H., Sbrocco, T., &. Carter, M.M. (2016). Ethnic identity and Implicit Anti-fat bias: Similarities and Difference between African American and Caucasian Women. Ethnicity and Disease, 26, 69-76.

Rothstein, L.A., Sbrocco, T., & Carter, M.M. (2017 in press). Factor Analysis of EDI-3 Eating Disorder Risk Subscales among African American Women. Journal of Black Psychology,

Parker, S., * Moore, J., * Bahraini, S., Gunthert, K., & Zellner, D. (2012). Effects of Expectations on Loudness and Loudness Difference. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

Hutchison, J. & Gunthert, K. (2013). Development and validation of a measure of Beliefs in Automatic Mood Regulation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37, 1243-1256.

Greenfield, M., Gunthert, K., & * Forand, N. (2014). Sex Differences in the Effect of Neuroticism on Interpersonal Interaction Quality. Individual Differences Research, 12.

Skalina, L., Gunthert, K., Ahrens, A., & * Wenze, S. (2015). The influence of neuroticism on covariation of negative and positive emotion. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 165-169.

Meyers, N., Weissbrod, C., & Gunthert, K. (2016). The effect of masculinity on community reintegration following traumatic brain injury in military veterans. Military Psychology, 28, 14-24.

Chue, A., Gunthert, K., Ahrens, A., & Skalina, L. (in press). Does expressing anger socially facilitate lower distress? It depends how often one is angry. Emotion.

Bauman, E. M., Haaga, D. A. F., Kaltman, S., & Dutton, M. A. (2012). Measuring social support in battered women: Factor structure of the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL). Violence Against Women, 18, 30-43 .

Kapson, H. S., Leddy, M. A., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2012). Specificity of effects of cognitive behavior therapy on coping, acceptance, and distress tolerance in a randomized controlled trial for smoking cessation. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68, 1231-1240 .

Tanner, M. A., Gray, J. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2012). Association of co-therapy supervision with client outcomes, attrition, and trainee effectiveness in a psychotherapy training clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68, 1241-1252 .

Kapson, H. S., McDonald, D. O., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2012). The effect of unanimous first session attendance on psychoeducational smoking cessation groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 16, 148-158 .

Falkenstein, M. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2013). Measuring and characterizing unconditional self-acceptance. In M. E. Bernard (Ed.), The strength of self-acceptance: 18 Theory, practice and research (pp. 139-151) . New York: Springer.

Rogers, K., Banis, M., Falkenstein, M. J., Malloy, E. J., McDonough, L., Nelson, S. O., Rusch, N., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2014). Stepped care in the treatment of trichotillomania. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82, 361-367 .

Falkenstein, M. J., Rogers, K., Malloy, E. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2014). Predictors of relapse following treatment of trichotillomania. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive & Related Disorders, 3, 345-353 .

Falkenstein, M. J., Rogers, K., Malloy, E. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2015). Race/ethnicity and treatment outcome in trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 641-652 .

Neale-Lorello, D. & Haaga, D. A. F. (2015). The "observing" facet of mindfulness moderates stress/symptom relations only among meditators. Mindfulness, 6, 1286-1291 .

O'Brien, J. L., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2015). Empathic accuracy and compassion fatigue among therapist trainees. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 46, 414-420 .

Falkenstein, M. J., Mouton-Odum, S., Mansueto, C. S., Golomb, R. G., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2016). Comprehensive behavioral (ComB) treatment of trichotillomania: A treatment development study. Behavior Modification, 40, 414-438 .

Falkenstein, M. J., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2016). Symptom accommodation, trichotillomania-by-proxy, and interpersonal functioning in trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 65, 88-97 .

Huntley, E.D. & Juliano, L.M. (2012). Caffeine expectancy questionnaire (CaffEQ): Construction, psychometric properties, and associations with caffeine use, caffeine dependence, and other related variables. Psychological Assessment, 24, 592-607.