Can A Rain Chain Handle Heavy Rain?

Many homeowners still have a reliability issue with rain chains. Well, you can’t blame them as most of us are used to having downspouts. The concern is about the ability of rain chains to handle rough weather. Can a rain chain handle heavy rain?

So far, we have hardly found any severe issues regarding rain chains during heavy rain. Though they drain rainwater with heavy flow, some rain chains may fail if their material is low-quality.

Rain chains have been used for centuries. And I believe they wouldn’t come a long way if they were not reliable enough. But what can you do to ensure you have a perfect rain chain to handle any weather? The answer is in today’s rain chain article.

Can A Rain Chain Handle Heavy Rain?

Rain chains drain rainwater just like downspouts. The only difference is, downspouts have an enclosed design, while rain chains are open. And if you are using one to hang outside your house, make sure it is suitable enough to handle rough weather.

Most rain chains are capable of handling heavy rain. Their material and design are compatible with such weather. However, if you install it incorrectly, it can cause issues during heavy rainfall.

It is common for rain chains to sway a lot during heavy rain. Besides, the extra weight it gets because of the heavy water flow puts pressure on the roof’s gutter area and the foundation. So, what do you do if your rain chain cannot handle heavy rain?

If you think your rain chain’s material is failing to handle heavy rain, you can choose a better rain chain. I will explain how to choose the best rain chain in the next section.

How To Choose A Reliable Rain Chain?

Knowing how to select a perfect rain chain will help you get better performance from it. So, look for the following features to see if you are getting a suitable rain chain.


Your rain chains will have to go through a lot of things. From dust and debris to rain and snow, it will face everything. That’s why the material of your rain chain should be your priority.

Manufacturers use copper, aluminum, steel, etc., to make rain chains. While all of them are suitable to build such structures, copper rain chains are more robust and durable. Moreover, they get better as they age and make your rain chain look more aesthetic.


The design you choose should go with where you want to install the rain chain. If you’re going to install it outside your front door, window, or patio, you can choose the cup or funnel design. It prevents excessive splashing during heavy flow.

On the other hand, link rain chains are suitable for more open areas such as the backyard garden. Link chains splash more water. So you need to install it a few inches away from your house or walls.


Rain chains are a lot easier to install. Nevertheless, look for the one that comes with pre-assembled parts. It should be easy to attach to the gutter system. And if your roof’s gutter is too big for the chain to hang, you can buy an adapter to install it correctly.

How To Install A Rain Chain Properly?

Installing a rain chain is very simple. You can do it in the following way:

  • Choose the place where you want to hang the rain chain. If you attach it to the roof’s gutter system, make sure the gutter size is accurate.
  • If the gutter is too big, add an adapter to hang the rain chain.
  • Drill a hole on either side of the adapter so that you can insert the rod or wire to hang the rain chain.
  • Now insert the rod halfway through one hole of the adapter and hang the rain chain on it. Then insert the rest of the rod on the other side of the adapter.
  • You can anchor the rain chain on the ground or the gravel. If not, you can add a barrel or jar to collect rainwater.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I Use Rain Chains With Rain Barrels?

Rain chains look excellent with barrels. Rather than hanging the chain’s base in the air, you can put it inside a barrel. Using the barrels helps gather rainwater, and you can use them later to clean the surroundings or water your garden plants.

Q. What Is The Best Place To Hang A Rain Chain?

Any place that has a sound drainage system is the perfect place to hang a rain chain. But you need to consider one thing before that. Make sure the area drains water vertically. If not, there will be no point in hanging the chain as the water will fall far from the chain.

Q. Can I Hang A Rain Chain From A Tree?

As I always say, you can hang a rain chain anywhere you want as long as it serves the purpose. There are no hard and fast rules that say you can only hang it from the gutter. Trees are also a suitable place to have your rain chain.

Q. How Long Do Rain Chains Last?

A rain chain’s longevity depends on how good the material is and how well you maintain it. Rain chains barely need a lot of maintenance. Yet, if it has high-quality material, a rain chain can last around a decade.

Q. What Is The Difference Between The Cup And Link Rain Chains?

Cup chains don’t have regular cups. They are more like bottomless rainwater holders. While link rain chains are open and don’t slow down the flow much, cup chains resist the strong flow and slowly drain the water.

Final Words

When I decided to buy my first rain chain, even I asked myself, “Can a rain chain handle heavy rain?” Now I have several rain chains hanging around my property.

From my experience, I have found that the rain chain will work fine as long as you have done everything accurately. It is usual for the chain to sway when a strong wind blows. But if you are not satisfied with how it works, I recommend using downspouts for water drainage.