You are here: 鶹ԭ Washington College of Law School Admissions JD Apply First Year Admissions Information

Admissions Information

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WCL Admissions 4300 Nebraska Avenue, NW, Suite C201 Washington, DC 20016 United States

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Frequently Asked Questions

Note: This page pertainsto first-year applicants.

Preparing to Apply

How do I apply?
You must applyonline via the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) electronic application service. If you have trouble or require technical assistance with the online service, please contact the LSAC Help Desk at 215-968-1393.Read more about the application process here.

When is the application deadline?
The general rolling admissions priority deadline isMarch 1. Applicants who apply after March 1 may not hear a decision until after April 1. Please find EDO and other deadlineshere.

Do I qualify for an application fee waiver?
The $70.00 application fee is automatically waived for applications submitted by the fee waiver deadline listed on our Admissions Timeline & Requirements. Your LSAC Credential Assembly Service (CAS) report, transcript, letter(s) of recommendation, and LSAT or GRE score can be submitted after that date.

Our law school does not waive/pay the fee for an applicant's LSAC Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report. Applicants will need to pay LSAC to send us a CAS report unless they have received a fee waiver directly from Law School Admission Council (LSAC).

General Rolling Admissions

If you select to apply under our General Rolling Admissions Process, you may submit your application starting September 1. The priority deadline isMarch 1. Those who apply by the priority deadline typically receive an admissions decision by April 1.Applications are sent to the Committee on Admissions in the order in which they are received and completed. Therefore, it is advantageous to complete your application early in the process so your file will be reviewed when there is more space available in the incoming class. Applications submitted after March 1 typically receive a decision after April 1.

Early Decision Option

Currentlywe offer twobindingEarly Decision Options with application deadlines in December and February. If admitted to 鶹ԭWCL as an Early Decision Option candidate, you must enroll at 鶹ԭWCL, withdraw all applications at other law schools regardless of your status and not initiate any new applications. AԴDz-ڳܲԻ岹deposit of $900 is due by January 5(Round 1) or March 4(Round 2).Please findmore information about our Early Decision Option here.

Full-Time & Part-Time Divisions

Do you have a part-time program?
鶹ԭWCL offers a robust andnationally recognized part-time eveningprogram. Clickherefor details.

Does applying to the full-time or part-time program influence my chance of being admitted?
Your chances of being admitted are not affected by whether you apply to the full-time or part-time program. Apply for the program that best fits your needs.

Can I apply to both the full-time and part-time programs?
General rolling admission applicants must choose to apply for either the full-time or the part-time program. Early Decision applicants who wish to be considered for both programs should indicate this on their EDO Certification Formand select their first choice program on the application.

Applicants placed on the waiting list have the option to be considered for both programs. If you apply for the full-time program but our Committee on Admissions feels you would be a better fit in our part-time program, they may offer you a place on our waiting list. Therefore, applicants who were denied admission to the full-time program cannot be reconsidered for the part-time program.

If I start in the part-time program, can I later transfer to the full-time program?
Part-time students can transferinto the full-time program after completion of their first year if they are in academic good standing (C average or better). These students cancomplete law schoolin three years by attending two summer sessions. Required second-year course work is completed in the evening when a transfer of divisions is granted.

Dual Degree Programs

What dual degree programs does 鶹ԭWCL offer?
We offer five domestic dual degree programs with our university's graduate schools:

  • JD/MA in International Affairs with the School of International Service
  • JD/MBA (Master of Business Administration) with the Kogod School of Business
  • JD/MS in Justice, Law and Criminology with the School of Public Affairs
  • JD/MPA (Master of Public Administration) with the School of Public Affairs
  • JD/MPP (Master of Public Policy) with the School of Public Affairs

We also offer a number of international JD dual degree programs. Please find more information about all of our dual degree programshere.

How do I apply for a dual degree program?

You can apply to a domestic dual degree program as afirst-yearfull-time applicant or during your first year of law school. To apply as a first-year applicant, under division on the Program Selection section of your application, select "Full-Time (Dual Degree Option)", then select the dual degree for which you are applying. Admissions decisions are made independently by each degree program and you could be admitted to one program and not the other. International JD Dual Degree programs are open to 鶹ԭWCL students only and you must have completed at least one semester of law school at 鶹ԭWCL before applying.

After Applying

How will I know that you have received my application?
You should receive an "Application Received" confirmation email from within 1-5 business days of submitting your application. If you cannot find yourconfirmation email, pleasecheck yourspam andjunk folders before emailing your Admissions Counselorwith your full name and LSAC ID.

When is my admissions file complete and ready for review?
Your file is complete when we have received your completed application with all required questions answered,personal statement,resume, at least one LSAT or GRE score, and CAS report (including all undergraduate transcriptsand at least one letter of recommendation).

Can I check the status of my application?
Use this link. Your username and password are included in your "Application Received" confirmation email.

Can I update or amend my application after I submit it?
Please be sure to proofread each component of your application before you submit it. Once you submit documents to our office, they become our property. We can only add an addendum to your application if it contains completely new information. Please email your Admissions Counselor your addendum in PDF formatand includeyour full name and LSAC ID number in the document. Once your file is under committee review, we will not add further information.

Can I switch my application from full-time to part-time, or vice versa?
If your application has not yet been reviewed, you may switch your application from one program to the other by emailing yourAdmissions Counselor.If you have already been admitted, you should email your program change request to yourAdmissions Counselor, who will forward the requestto the Committee on Admissions. Please note that ifyour request is granted, it may result in a change of your merit scholarship award.

If I applied EDO, can I switch to regular admission or vice versa?
If your application has not yet been reviewed, you may switch your application from Early Decision to regular admission or vice versa by emailing yourAdmissions Counselor. If switching your application to EDO, please be sure to complete the and submit all of your materials by the completion deadline.

Personal Statement

How long should my personal statement be?
The recommended length is 2-3 pages. Reviewers appreciate it if you keep the font size legible (at least 11 point) and double-spaced.

What should I include in my personal statement?
Our personal statement prompt is open-ended in order to give you the chance to discuss what you feel is important for the Committee on Admissions to know about you. Your personal statement should focus on who you are and why you want to attend law school, eitherin general or at 鶹ԭWCL specifically.

Letters of Recommendation

How do I submit my letter(s) of recommendation?
Applicants must submit letters of recommendation through, which is included in .

How many letters of recommendation do you require?

We require one letter of recommendation and allow amaximum of two.Once we receiveat least one letter of recommendation and the rest of your file is complete, your file is sent to the Committee on Admissions for review. If you request that we hold your file until two letters are received, this delays the review process and therefore your decision. If you have more than two letters on file with LSAC's LOR Service, you should indicate with two should be uploaded to our law school, otherwise LSAC will send the first two received for your account.

Who should write my letters of recommendation?
If youare still in school or have recently graduated, we strongly suggest an academic recommendation. If you have been out of school for a significanttime or an academic recommendation is not feasible, you may submit professional recommendations instead. Recommendersshould focus on your academic abilities and/or related skills that will help yousucceedin law school.


How long should my resumebe?
The recommended length is 1-2pages.

What should I include on my resume?
Your resume should give further context toyour application and givean overview of your experiences and accomplishments. Youcaninclude academic achievements, scholarships, study abroad, volunteerexperiences, and/or relevant hobbies in addition to professional experience.

Standardized Test(LSAT or GRE)

Do you accept the GRE?

Yes, in an effort to expand access to legal education and create amore academically, educationally, and otherwise diverse pool of qualified applicants,we began accepting GRE or LSAT scores starting for fall 2019 applicants.

When should I take the LSAT or GRE?

We recommend that fall 2024applicants take the LSAT no later than February. We will consider spring and summer tests on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants taking the GRE are encouraged to take the test by February 28so we receive the scores by the March 1 priority deadline. GRE scores from later tests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How long are LSAT or GRE scores valid?
We will accept LSAT or GRE scores from the past five years.

Can I submit my application before I take the LSAT or GRE orbefore I receive my scores?
You can submit your application prior to taking the LSAT or GRE. We will not review your fileuntil we have received the official score for the latest test date that you liston your application (past or future).

How do you consider multiple test scores?
鶹ԭWCL receives all LSAT test scores from the Law School Admission Council that fall within the five-year LSAT reporting window. To be consistent with LSAT reporting, applicants who have taken only the GRE must submit all scores from the last five years. Applicants who have taken both the LSAT and GRE may choose whether to report their GRE score(s). If an applicant reports scores from both the LSAT and GRE, we are required to report the highest LSAT score to the American Bar Association (ABA). All tests within the reporting window are evaluated.

How do I submit my GRE score(s)?

We will only accept official GRE score reports from ETS. Please indicate 鶹ԭ Washington College of Law as a score report recipient using our designated institution code of4203. For more information about reporting GRE scores, see the ETS website .

For more information on the LSAT, please see the LSAC website .

For more information on the GRE, please see the ETS website .

CAS Report, GPA, & Transcripts

When do you request my Credential Assembly Service (CAS) reportfrom the Law School Admission Council (LSAC)?
Once we receiveyour application, we request your , which is required whether you take the LSAT or GRE. If you have an upcoming LSAT test and have not taken the LSAT before, we may not receive your CAS report until after LSAC releases your score.Ifyour status check page indicates that we are missing your CAS report and you believe this to be in error, please contact your Admissions Counselor.

How is GPA calculated?
鶹ԭWCL considers the cumulative undergraduate GPA reported on your CAS report for admission and merit scholarship purposes. LSAC standardizes undergraduate GPA across applicants by combiningtranscripts for all undergraduate institutions attended and converting to a standard4.0 system. Therefore, theGPA on your CAS report may not match your degree-granting school GPA. Graduate school grades are not included in the LSAC reported GPA.Read more about LSAC's Transcript Summarization Policies.

Do I need to send a final transcript directly to 鶹ԭWCL?
All matriculating students must have an official undergraduate transcript indicating degree conferral on file. If the transcript included with your LSAC CAS report does not meet this requirement, the Office of Admissions will contact you prior to Orientation.

Foreign-educated applicants must submit their final transcripts to LSAC. These transcripts are evaluated by a third party and then sentto the Office of Admissions, soyou do not need to submit an additional final transcript directly to 鶹ԭWCL.

Character & Fitness Questions

What do I need to disclose?
All applicants must answer character and fitness questions on the application.Please read these questions carefully as they may vary from law school to law school. Read more about Character & Fitness requirements on this page.

If I answer YES to Character & Fitness questions on the application, how does it affect the committee's decision?
Generally, the severity of the action and any pattern of violations have the greatest effect on the committee's decision. The American Bar Association Standard 504 requires the law school to advise each applicant to secure information regarding the character and other qualifications for admission to the bar in the state in which the applicant intends to practice.

How do I submit a change inmy response to the Character & Fitness Questions?
If you need to change your response to one or more Character & Fitness questions or add additional information after submitting your application, please email your Admissions Counselor. You should submit aseparate addendum for each question.

Diversity Statement (Optional)

When submitting the electronic application, there is an optional Diversity Statement where you can attach a separate statement explaining how your personal circumstances are of special relevance to your application. Suggested length is one page and should cover topics not already addressed in your personal statement.

Addendum (Optional)

If there is information the Committee on Admissions should know about you or your educational background that would be better addressed separately from the personal statement or optional diversity statement, you may attach an addendum to your application. Please make this addendum concise and one page or less.

What factors are weighted most heavily in the admissions process?
Your undergraduate academic record and the LSAT or GRE are important factors in reviewing your admissions file. Beyond your LSAT or GRE score and undergraduate cumulative grade point average, the Committee on Admissionsevaluates your transcript and consider factors such as a marked improvement in grades, degree of difficulty of your major, employment during college, activities that indicate proven leadership ability or community service, graduate education, work experience, and other measures of professional achievement and personal and intellectual maturity. Since many applicants have similar grades and LSAT orGRE scores, personal background, work experience, and letters of recommendation distinguish an applicant.

What if my LSAT, GRE, or GPA is lower than 鶹ԭWCL’s median?
鶹ԭWCL ascribes to a holistic review process, so while LSAT or GRE and GPA are important indicators of academic ability, they are not the only aspects considered. The Committee on Admissions reviews each applicant'stranscripts, taking into consideration semester-by-semester trends and types of courses taken.Applicants can sometimes balance out a lower GPAwith a higher LSAT or GRE score or vice versa. Additionally, if outside factors contributed to your LSAT, GRE, and/or GPA beinglower than expected,you may consider including an academic addendum with your application to explain these circumstances to the Committee on Admissions. You may also consider retaking the LSAT or GRE if you believe further preparation may help to raise your score.

Can you consider my graduate degree GPA rather than my undergraduate GPA if it is higher?
In order to be fair to all applicants,a graduate degree GPA can never replace your undergraduate GPA for review or merit scholarship purposes. However, the Committee on Admissions considers all transcripts, including graduate work, while reviewing files. Graduate transcripts are a good way to highlight academic ability at a higher level, especially if a significant amount of time has passed since you completed your undergraduate degree.

Does the Committee on Admissions conduct admissions interviews?
We do not grant evaluative interviews, but you are welcome toset up anappointmentwith anAdmissions Counselor to address any questions you may have.

What can I do to improve my chances for admission?
If you feel there is something important that the Committee on Admissions should know about you, you should explain ityour own words somewhere in your admission file. It is up to you to articulate your interests and background in your file. We recommend that you apply and complete your file early in the process so it isreviewed when we have more admission offers available.

Students with Disabilities

How do I request disability-related accommodations for law school?
Entering students interested in requesting accommodations at WCL should begin registration as early as possible by completing the Three-Step Registration process: Complete the Student Accommodation Questionnaire (“SAQ”), submit documentation of your disability, and schedule an intake appointment with the Associate Director of Disability Support for WCL.

What are the documentation requirements?
If you have a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities, you may be eligible for disability-related accommodations. To determine eligibility, we will need, from an appropriate licensed health care professional, comprehensive and relevant documentation that explains the current impact of your disability and makes a recommendation for accommodation(s). The ASAC Documentation Guidelines list fillable forms that can assist providers.

Who can I talk to if I have questions or want to schedule a consult before officially registering for accommodations?
For admitted students who have made a deposit to accept admission in the entering class, the Associate Director of Disability Support is available for consult meetings prior to registration. Please contact Jennifer Baron at or 202-274-4134.

When can I expect to receive a decision?
General rolling admissions applicants may receive a decision any time between mid- to late-Octoberand late March. Early Decision applicants should refer to the notification dates listed here. Decisions are made on a regular basis, but not all applicants who applied early in the process receive the first decisions. Our Committee on Admissions may hold your file until we have a sense of that year's applicant pool. Applicants who apply late in the admissions cycle (April - July) typicallyreceive a decision within 2-4weeks of the date their application is completed.

How will I be notified of an application decision?
Decision notifications are sent via e-mailfrom Admitted students receive their official admissions offervia U.S. mail.You may also check the status of your application at any time by clicking this .

How much is your seat deposit and when is it due?
In order to accept your place in the entering class, you must submit a$900seat depositby your seat deposit deadline.The deposit is credited toward tuition charges for the fall semester. We will enclose complete instructions with your admission letter.

If I am admitted, can I defer my admission to a later year?
Applicants should apply for admission to theyear in which they intend to enroll.Admitted students who cannot matriculate in the entering class due to unforeseen circumstances may request a one-year deferment. Each request is reviewed on its individual merits and deferments are not automatically granted.Read more about ourDeferment Policy.

What happens if I am offered a place on the waiting list?When can I expect to receive a final decision?
Unfortunately, due to the size of our applicant pool and limited class size we are unable to admitall applicants who impress the Committee on Admissions. If weoffer youa place on our waiting list and you wishto remain in consideration, youmust submit the Waiting List Reply Form. The waiting list is not ranked and we contact selected candidatesvia email and/or phone. Although each year is different, historically 鶹ԭWCL admits a number of candidates from the waiting list during the late spring and throughout the summer. Applicants who remain on the waiting list receive a final notice in midto late August to let them know our class has been filled. We typically offer Waiting List Information Sessions from mid March to early May as part of our spring campus visit schedule for candidates hoping to gain more insight into the waiting list process. Click here for further details on our waiting list process.

How many international students enroll at 鶹ԭWCL and from where?
Typically around 10-15 first-year international students enroll at 鶹ԭWCL each year from a diverse array of countries. Please find specific numbers and a list of countries for last year's entering class on our Admissions Profile.

How do I apply for an F-1 Visa?
Applicants who are applying for a student (F-1) visa must attend full time (at least 12 credit hours per semester). I-20 forms are not available to admitted students until you have submitted a seat deposit.You must show evidence of sufficient private or government funding to cover the cost of attendance for at least one yearin order to be issued the appropriate immigration document. For more information on student visas, please review the International Student & Scholar Services website.

Do you require the TOEFL?
If your native language is not English AND yourundergraduate coursework was not conducted in English, you must take theand submit your score through the LSAC credential service. We recommend aminimum TOEFL score of 100 iBT (internet-based test, or 600 paper-based test).The Committee on Admissions will consider waiving the TOEFL on a case-by-case basis. To request a TOEFL requirement waiver, after you have applied,please email your full name, LSAC ID, and explanation to the Admissions Office

How are my credentials evaluated if I was educated outside of the U.S.?
Applicants who earned their undergraduate degree outside the United States or CanadaMUSTtake the LSAT or GRE and have their academic credentials evaluated by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) using the authentication and evaluation (A&E) feature included in LSAC'sCredential Assembly Service (CAS). Applicants must have earned at least the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree. You may find more information and register for CAS on LSAC's website.

What is the cost of attendance?
Please find the full-time cost of attendance hereandpart-time cost of attendancehere.

Do you offer merit scholarships?
The 鶹ԭWCL Office of Admissions considers all admitted applicants for merit scholarships; a separate application is not required. Merit scholarships are primarily determined by applicant academic indicators (LSAT or GRE and undergraduate GPA). Merit scholarships are renewed for each year in law schoolper the policies outlined in theRequired Reading. The Office of Admissions generally begins awarding merit scholarship in late January and continues throughout the admissions cycle. In recent years, more than 60% of the incoming class received merit scholarships and the awards ranged from $10,000 up to full tuition.

How can I apply for the Public Interest/Public Service (PIPS) scholarship?
The PIPS scholarship isawarded to incoming (1L) full-time JD students only. The scholarship is awarded to those with a demonstrated commitment to public service, strong academic credentials, and a desire to pursue a public interest or public service career upon graduation. A separate scholarship application is required.For more information on the PIPS Scholarship, including the link for the scholarship application, please clickhere.

What other financial aid is available to me?
To learn more about different types of financial aid available to 鶹ԭWCL students, please visit the Financial Aid webpage.

Facts & Statistics

What is the admissions profile?
Our Admissions Profileincludesstatistics and interesting facts about our most recent incoming class.

How large is the typical entering class?
Our typical first-year entering class is about 400 students, made up of around 330 full-time and 65 part-time students. Please find specific data on last year's entering classon our Admissions Profile.

What is the average class size?
Full-time first-year students are split into four sections of about 80-90 students each. Part-time students form a fifth section. You will take all of your first-year courseswith your section, exceptLegal Rhetoric, which has 12-24 students per class. Upper-level courses vary in size, ranging from small seminars around 12 students to larger survey courses around 50-70 students.

In what areas of law do 鶹ԭWCL alumni typically work?
Our alumni work in a variety of sectors, including law firms, government, judicial clerkships, business and industry, and public interest. The Office of Career and Professional Development publishes further employment statistics here.

Where can I find the ABA required disclosures (509) data?
Please find the ABA Required Disclosures (ABA Standard 509)here. This page includes extensive information regarding the admissions profile for the entering class,tuition and fees,enrollment data,bar passage rate,employment outcomes,and more.

Academic Programs and Resources

Where can I learn more about 鶹ԭWCL's curriculum?
Read more about our curriculum requirementshereorbrowse the to view courses and experiential opportunities offered at 鶹ԭWCL.

What resources are available for students/applicants with disabilities?
The Office of Student Affairs works with鶹ԭ's Academic Support & Access Centerto provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Please find more information on our policiesand procedureson the Student Affairs Accommodations page and intheHandbook for Applicants and Students with Disabilities. For questions about the process for receivingaccommodations to facilitate your studies, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.

Can I study abroad during law school?
Absolutely!鶹ԭWCL’s study abroad programs offer an exciting and diverse variety of cultural experiences, legal settings, and academic focus areas. In fact, about half of our students earn academic credit from a legal experience outside of the United States. Students earn credits in one of our more than 22 programs abroad in 17 countries on five continents. Please find more informationhere.

What student publications does 鶹ԭWCL offer?
鶹ԭWCL has avariety ofstudent publications, including law reviews, journals, and briefs. Learn more about our student publications here.

What experiential education opportunities do 鶹ԭWCL students have?
鶹ԭWCL has long been a leader in experiential legal education. We offer11 in-house clinics, a robust externship program, a nationally ranked trial advocacy program, and a number of domestic and international experiential education projects.Learn more about these opportunities and morehere.

Law Campus

Where is 鶹ԭWCL located?
鶹ԭWCL is located in Northwest DC, just one block from the Tenleytown-鶹ԭ Metro station on the red line. Our 8.5-acre campus is situated just off Tenley Circle, between Nebraska Avenueand Yuma Street. It consists ofthree buildings - Warren, Yuma, and Capital. Students needing to get back and forth from 鶹ԭ'smain campusabout onemile away may takethe 鶹ԭ Shuttle, which picks up atboth the Tenleytown-鶹ԭ Metro station andthe law school. Please find further directions to the Tenley Campus and to the Office of Admissions on our campus visit page. Read more about our Law Campus, which opened in 2016,.

Can I visit campus?
Yes! Please see our Campus & Virtual Visits page for our in-person activities.To accesscampus, Admissions visitorsmustregister for an on-campus activity orin-person appointment with an Admissions team member. Another option is to view to give you a sense of our beautiful campus.

Can I meet with an Admissions Counselor?
We offerin-person and virtual (preferred) appointments with our admissions counselors. Our counselors also leadin-person and virtualAdmissions Information Sessionswithone to twocurrent students.

Is there on-campus housing for 鶹ԭWCL students?
There is no on-campus housing for law students at 鶹ԭWCL. However, we do provide admitted students with aHousing Guide, which includes a list of local properties and other resources for finding housing.We also host a Housing Conference, typically the last week in June, to assist our incoming students with their housing search. This conference includes a bus tour of area neighborhoods, a housing fair with local leasing companies, an open housing resource area with computer access, and several social events to get to know your classmates and find potential roommates.

For further questions, please contact us at You can alsofind contact information for your Admissions Counselor and other admissions staffhere.