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Right to Research Series on Copyright Exceptions Looks at User Rights and License Conditions

Jonathan Band
Jonathan Band

The Right to Research series on Copyright Exceptions features an interview with Johnathan Band. Jonathan Band explains the potential conflict between user rights and license conditions.

During the interview, Band noted, 鈥If you do not address this problem of publishers and other distributors using licenses to overreach & override exceptions in copyright the exceptions users rely upon and have fought so hard for will become meaningless.鈥

Band helps shape the laws governing intellectual property and the Internet through a combination of legislative and appellate advocacy. He has represented clients with respect to the drafting of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), and other federal and state statutes relating to intellectual property and the Internet. He complements this legislative advocacy by filing amicus briefs in significant cases related to these provisions.

Mr. Band has also represented clients in connection to the Marrakesh Treaty, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, the United States, Mexico, and Canada Free Trade Agreement, and other international agreements.