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Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Catalina Botero Marino

Catalina Botero Marino

Catalina Botero Marino is an attorney and expert in constitutional law, international human rights law, transitional justice, and access to information. Currently, Professor Boteros is the Dean of the law school at Universidad de Los Andes. Professor Botero is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Reproductive Rights, Article 19, and Fedesarrollo. She is a founding partner of DeJusticia Colombia; a non-profit focused on the regional defense of human rights. Professor Botero previously served as the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS) from 2008 to 2014, as well as the Auxiliary Magistrate at the Constitutional Court of Colombia for several different periods. Currently, she is a deputy judge for this tribunal. Professor Botero is a senior advisor for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Professor Botero has served as advisor of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary of Mexico. She is a member of the Academic Council of the Center for Constitutional Studies of the Supreme Court of Mexico. She is currently part of the academic committee of the Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresi贸n y Acceso a la Informaci贸n at the University of Palermo, Argentina, a member of the advisory board of Derechos Digitales Chile, and a member of the Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter of the Carter Center and expert member of the Inter-American Dialogue. Professor Botero Marino previously held a number of public and private non-profit positions in Colombia, including National Director of the Office for the Promotion and Dissemination of Human Rights in the Office of the People's Defender of Colombia; Director of the Consultancy for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law at the Social Foundation; advisor to the General Ombudsman of the Nation's Office. Professor Botero leads research at the Law School of the Universidad de Los Andes. She is also a member of the awards committee of the Columbia University Global Freedom of Expression Prize. Professor Botero received her law degree from La Universidad de Los Andes and completed her postgraduate studies in Public Management and Administrative Law at the same university. She continued her graduate work in Madrid, where she studied human rights at the Universidad Complutense. Professor Botero also studied constitutional rights and political science at the Center for Constitutional Studies and received a degree in advanced studies (DEA) at the Universidad Carlos III.

Currently Teaching

Libertad de Expresi贸n (LAW-870-006)

Areas of Specialization

  • International Human Rights Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • International Law