


Article I

Section 1.01 Constitution.
The name and purposes of the organization shall be as set forth in the Constitution. These By-Laws, the powers of the organization, and all matters concerning the conduct and regulation of the affairs of the organization shall be subject to the provisions of the Constitution.

Article II


Section 2.01 Principal Office.
The principal office of the organization shall be 4300 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016.
Section 2.01 Other Offices.
The organization may not have offices at other places beyond the campus of the Washington College of Law at Â鶹ԭ´´.


Article III


Section 3.01 Purpose.
The organization shall be organized and operated primarily for educational and cultural purposes, including:

a) Taking an active role in the Washington College of Law community by providing legal, cultural, and linguistic assistance where needed;

b) Contributing to such charitable programs as the Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, which provides legal assistance to the Asian and Asian American community in the District of Columbia area;
c) Sponsoring guest speakers on Asian American and minority legal issues at the law school;

d) Participate as an active charter of the National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association;

e) Develop a cooperative working relationship with the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association chapter of the District of Columbia.


Article IV


Section 4.01 Qualification.
There shall be one class of Members, which shall consist of individuals who subscribe to the purposes and goals of the organization. Potential members must be approved for membership upon such terms and conditions that the Executive Officers may from time to time require. Members must be or have been law students at the Washington College of Law at Â鶹ԭ´´. Individuals are recognized as members when they and their email are registered to receive official communications from the official APALSA e-mail.

Section 4.02 Voting.
All Board members shall have exclusive voting rights on all matters.

Section 4.03 Resignation.
Any member may resign at any time by filing a letter of resignation with the Director of Affairs.

Section 4.04 Removal.
Any member may be removed from the Membership for reasonable cause, as determined by the Executive Officers in its sole discretion, upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Officers.

Section 4.05 Transfer of Membership.
Membership in the organization is not transferable or assignable.


Article V

Executive Officers

Section 5.01 Powers.
Subject to the guidance of the Washington College of Law Student Bar Association, the activities and affairs of the organization shall be managed and all powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the Executive Officers.

Section 5.02 Composition.
The number of the Executive Officers shall be seven. A majority of the entire Executive Officers may, at any time, increase or decrease the number of Executive Officers.

Section 5.03 Election and Term of Office.
Executive Officers shall be elected at a designated general meeting in the middle of the month of April, and each Executive Officer shall hold office until the next successor is elected and qualified, or until death, resignation, or removal.

Section 5.04 Resignation.
An Executive Officer may resign at any time by delivering written notice of resignation to the President, Vice President, or Director of Affairs. The resignation shall take effect at the time of resignation. The officer receiving the Executive Officer’s resignation shall notify the organization’s other Executive Officers or the resignation.

Section 5.05 Removal.
An Executive Officer may be removed from the office for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Officers present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. An Executive Officer may only be removed after reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard before the Executive Officers and the general membership.

Section 5.06 Vacancies.
Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Officers may be filled by the affirmative vote and appointment of a majority of the remaining members of the Executive Officers. An Executive Officer, appointed by the remaining Executive Officers, to fill a vacancy shall be appointed to hold office for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office.

Section 5.07 Compensation.
Executive Officers shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services to the organization.


Article VI


Section 6.01 General Meetings.
Regular general meetings of the general membership shall be held at such date, time and place as may be determined by the Executive Officers.

Section 6.02. Executive Meetings.
Executive meeting for the Executive Officers shall be held at such date, time and place as may be determined by the president.

Section 6.03 Special Meetings.
Special Meetings of either the general membership or the Executive Officers may be called by the President or by two or more Executive Officers on four days’ notice to each Executive Officers and the general membership.

Section 6.04 Notice of General Meetings.
Notice is required for all general meetings. The notice shall specify the place, date, time, and purpose for which the general meeting is called. Three days notice is required for regularly scheduled general meetings. Four days notice is required for special meetings as provided for in Section 6.03 of these By-Laws.

Section 6.05 Voting.
Any Executive Officer in good standing is entitled to vote at any meeting of the Executive Officers. Whenever any action is to be taken by vote of the Executive Officers, it shall, except as otherwise required by law or the Constitution, be authorized by a majority of the votes case at the executive meeting. A quorum shall be required to take any action by majority vote.

Section 6.06 Quorum.
At all meetings, a majority of those Executive Officers currently in office or a participation of general members numbering at least ten shall constitute a quorum for the actions of the organization. However, if a quorum is not present, four Executive Officers or a majority of general members may adjourn the meeting to another time and place.

Section 6.07 Proxies.
Every member or Executive Officer who is entitled to vote at a meeting may authorize another eligible voter to act upon their behalf by written, dated, and signed proxy. No proxy shall be valid after 2 months from the date of its execution. Every proxy shall be revocable at the pleasure of the director executing it.

Section 6.08 Action Without Meeting.
Any action required may be taken without a meeting by the President or two other Executive Officers, if such action is promptly reported to the other Executive Officers. Prompt reporting in this instance must be initiated within three days.


Article VII
Executive Officers

Section 7.01 Executive Officers.
The Executive Officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Director of Affairs, Treasurer, Community Service Chairperson, Social and Cultural Chairperson, and Publicity Chairperson.

Section 7.02 Election and Term of Office.
The Executive Officers shall be elected as provided for in section 5.03.

Section 7.03 President
The President shall:
a) Preside at all general and executive meetings,
b) Hold general responsibility for managing the organization’s affairs,
c) Implement policies established by the Executive Officers,
d) Use discretion in running the organization’s day to day affairs,
e) Have general supervisory duties,
f) In absence of the Treasurer, perform the duties of that office,
g) In absence of the Director of Affairs, appoint another member to take minutes of the meeting,
h) In the absence following the resignation of an Executive Officer, perform the duties of that office until election replacement, and
i) Represent the Asian Pacific American Law Student Association at all official functions.

Section 7.04 Vice President.
The Vice President shall:
a) Perform all duties of the president in absence of the president,
b) Alongside Social and Cultural and Community Service Chairpersons, establish and maintain a cooperative relationship with DMV-area APALSAs,
c) Organize and head the organization’s participation in NAPABA events, and
e) Perform other duties assigned by the president.

Section 7.05 Director of Affairs.
The Director of Affairs shall:
a) Give notice of all meetings,
b) Receive and send correspondence,
c) Keep and distribute minutes of all meetings,
d) Maintain the Asian Pacific American Law Student Association listserv or equivalent roster and email communications platform,
e) Maintain a Master Sheet of all external and internal contacts,
f) Maintain and improve the Outline Bank,
g) Establish a comprehensive record of all APALSA Events for future review, and
h) Perform other duties assigned by the president.

Section 7.04 Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall:
a) Be responsible for the organization’s funds,
b) Keep account of receipts and expenditures,
c) Keep the Executive Officers informed of the organizations financial position,
d) Create the semester budget to be submitted to the Student Bar Association, and
e) Perform other duties assigned by the president.

Section 7.05 Community Service Chairperson.
  • The Community Service Chairperson shall:
    a) In consultation with President and/or Vice-President, develop and maintain a working relationship with regional and national API Bar Associations and other community-based organizations,
  • b) Organize the Alumni Dinner,
    b) Serve on the Dean’s Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to connect APALSA with other affinity groups, and
  • c) Perform other duties assigned by the president.

Section 7.06 Social and Cultural Chairperson.
The Social and Cultural Chairperson shall:
a) Plan and coordinate flagship events celebrating API culture,
c) Organize informal student community-building events,
c) In collaboration with Community Service Chairperson, develop a cooperative working relationship with regional API organizations to sponsor and network events, and
d) Perform other duties assigned by the president.

Section 7.07 Publicity Chairperson.
The Publicity Chairperson shall:
a) Publicize all general meetings and events on social media platforms,
b) Serve as editor or the Asian Pacific American Law Student Association Newsletter,
c) Take attendance at all meetings and events,
d) Organize the Mentor-Mentee Program,
e) Lead the 1L Representative Program,
f) Attend the Affinity Group Organization Reception in the Fall and Spring to recruit new members,
g) Update and track all external and internal contacts in collaboration with the Director of Affairs, and
c) Perform other duties assigned by the president.


Article VIII.


These By-Laws may be altered or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Officers. Amendments to the Constitution shall be made by two-thirds vote of the Executive Officers.

Amendment I.
As of 2024-2025, the roles of Historian, Internal Publicity Chairperson, and External Publicity Chairperson will serve their final terms. Upon election of 2025-2026 Officers, Internal Publicity and External Publicity shall become Publicity Chairperson and the role of Historian will be dissolved and its duties will be assumed by Director of Affairs.

Amendment II.
The President, Vice-President, and Director of Affairs shall have access to all communications and social media accounts. The Publicity Chair shall otherwise have exclusive access to all social media accounts and media editing programs.