SJD Program

Dr. Juan Antonio Gaviria
SJD Program Graduate

Dr. Juan Gaviria successfully completed his S.J.D. degree at 麻豆原创 Washington College of Law. The title of his dissertation was 鈥淭he Hold-Up Problem in Colombia Contract Law.鈥 His areas of study include: law and economics, contract law, and international private law.

Degrees & Universities

S.J.D., 麻豆原创 Washington College of Law, 2014
LL.M., 麻豆原创 Washington College of Law, 2011
M.A., Universidad Eafit, Medell铆n, Colombia, 2011
LL.M., Universidad Externado, Bogot谩, Colombia, 2009
J.D., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medell铆n, Colombia


1. Gaviria, Juan. A Case Against the Laws on Conflicts of Interest in Colombian Corporate Law (forthcoming).

2. Gaviria, Juan & Lima-Campos, Aluisio. Introduction to Trade Policy. Work in progress. Book under contract with Routledge Publishers.

3. Gaviria, Juan. Sobre la Aplicaci贸n de la Teor铆a del Incumplimiento Eficiente de Contratos en el Derecho Colombiano (On the Application of the Efficient Breach Theory under Colombian Law). 44 Rev. Contexto sobre Derecho y Econom铆a U. Externado de Col. (2016).

4. Gaviria, Juan. The Puzzle of the Lack of Colombian Case Law on the CISG. 26 Rev. Col. Derecho Int鈥檒 U. Javeriana (2015).

5. Gaviria Juan. An Experiment on the Role of Penalty Clauses and a Higher Level of Remedies for Breach of Contracts in the Prevention of the Hold-up Problem. 14(4) Richmond J. Global Law & Bus. (2015).

6. Gaviria Juan. Fundamentos Econ贸micos de la Ley de Garant铆as Mobiliarias [Economic Fundamentals of the Securities Law]. Editorial Gustavo Ib谩帽ez (Colombia). July, 2015.

7. Gaviria, Juan. El problema del hold-up en los derechos de Colombia, M茅xico y Estados Unidos [The Hold-up Problem in Colombia, Mexico and the United States]. Editorial Porr煤a (M茅xico). July 2015.

8. Gaviria, Juan. Una propuesta de expansi贸n del sistema de soluci贸n de controversias de la organizaci贸n mundial del comercio como contrapeso a la tendencia creciente de los tratados de comercio preferencial [A Proposal to Expand the DSU of the WTO as a Counterweight to the Growing Trend of the Preferential Trade Agreements]. Revista Centro Derecho Econ贸mico Internacional del ITAM (M茅xico D.F.: ) December, 2013.

9. Gaviria, Juan. Obst谩culos y Riesgos para una Exitosa Interacci贸n entre Derecho y Econom铆a en Colombia [Hurdles and Hazards to a Thriving Interaction Between Law and Economics in Colombia]. Contexto Revista de Derecho y Econom铆a, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2013.
(Received the Jos茅 Ignacio de M谩rquez Award, which yearly recognizes the best Colombian paper on law & economics.)

10. Gaviria, Juan. A Note About the New Colombian Legal Rules on International Arbitration. 2(2) The Arbitration Brief (Nov. 2013).

11. Gaviria, Juan & Lima-Campos, Aluisio. A Case for Misaligned Currencies as Countervailable Subsidies. 46(5) Journal of World Trade 1017 (2012).

12. Gaviria, Juan & Plata, Luis. El Teorema de Coase y la Corte Constitucional Colombiana [The Coase Theorem and the Colombian Constitutional Court]. 4 Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad del Norte 22 (2012).

13. Equidad tributaria y reorganizaciones corporativas (鈥淭ax Equity and Corporate Reorganizations鈥) in Revista de Derecho Fiscal 5 (2009): 77-99.

14. Retos del Derecho de Grupos Empresariales en el Siglo XXI (鈥淐hallenges of the Law of Entrepreneurial Groups in the Twentieth-one Century鈥) in Foro de Derecho Mercantil 9 (2005): 25-48.

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